International Women Of Courage Award Goes to a Biological Male – IOTW Report

International Women Of Courage Award Goes to a Biological Male

15 Comments on International Women Of Courage Award Goes to a Biological Male

  1. How much longer are we supposed to put up this theater? Everyone knows it’s complete horse shit and stupid on stilts with a rubber chicken stapled to your forehead.

    Kindly go fuck yourselves and leave me out of your collective dysfunctional misery.

    I don’t care. You’re less than zero.

  2. Time Magazine, Woman of the Year, a Tranny. Jeopardy’s most winning woman, a Tranny. Top Ranking College Woman swimmer, a Tranny (but with a dick so IDK). International Woman of the Year, a Tranny. I’m sure there’s more these just came to mind.

    I’m a woman and I have sisters and a daughter, baby granddaughter, nieces, girlfriends, etc. I guess I’m actually just laughing at this point. Laughing and pointing at all these idiots so smugly and dutifully clapping and bobbing their heads in approval. I have to hand it over to God and have faith that His judgment will be righteous and spectacular. Lord, hear our prayer


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