Walls Closing in on Criminal Fauci – IOTW Report

Walls Closing in on Criminal Fauci

14 Comments on Walls Closing in on Criminal Fauci

  1. I want to see Fauxi brought to justice, full justice, before I leave this world. And to see Mooch revealed for the cross-dressing ape he is, but I doubt either will happen in these disgusting times we live in.

  2. He isn’t one damn bit worse that anyone who advocated for forced or compulsory injections. Without their part in this he would not be in the position to do his part. There isn’t a single solitary individual who advocated for forcing or coercing others to take the injections who, if justice were to be served, would not be stripped of everything they own and have it handed over to their victims before shitting in their pants while being hung. I mean that literally.

  3. Kcir March 8, 2023 at 11:11 pm

    I’ve been watching the highlights.
    He is going to be fighting in court for a very long time.

    Fauci knows that, he will continue to live free and well on taxpayers money. Only God will be the one dealing with him. Fauci grew up Catholic, but now considers himself a humanist, stating that he thinks “that there are a lot of things about organized religion that are unfortunate, and [that he tends] to like to stay away from it.” In 2021, he was named Humanist of the Year by the American Humanist Association.

    Definition: Humanists believe that reason, experience and evidence and not “faith” are the best ways of finding out about the universe and the world around us. They base their morality on what will best contribute to human welfare and human fulfillment.

    So there you go, that’s where his head is at.


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