Justice for All – IOTW Report

Justice for All


A new single released by a choir of men who are in prison for their participation in the attack on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, features a recording by former President Donald Trump as the backtrack.

The song, “Justice for All,” features the incarcerated men, referred to as the “J6 Prison Choir,” singing “The Star-Spangled Banner” from a jail in Washington, mixed with Trump reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. More


15 Comments on Justice for All

  1. …this song from a DC jail makes me think of a Letter from a Birmingham Jail.

    “Moreover, I am cognizant of the interrelatedness of all communities and states. I cannot sit idly by in Atlanta and not be concerned about what happens in Birmingham. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. Never again can we afford to live with the narrow, provincial “outside agitator” idea. Anyone who lives inside the United States can never be considered an outsider anywhere within its bounds.”
    -Martin Luther King Jr.

    …”Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”

    True then, true now.

    The Civil Rights movement turned violent on the assassination of MLK. That was when many hit their breaking point.

    …I wonder who must die, how many must die, before we hit ours.

  2. There is no justice in the USA, just a huge bunch of Soros backed corrupt Obama judges and New World Order politicians (with a few exceptions) out to destroy our country. The US has aborted millions of babies, sent our young (mostly white) boys to fight wars we never should have been in coming home with half their limbs. Have burned down businesses for the sake of peaceful protesting. Have been face masked and injected for population reduction. Weaponized the NSA, FDA, CIA, FBI, CDC and IRS against the citizen. Have paid political media and social media censoring the truth, punishing the good, rewarding the evil. Now we have political prisoners incarcerated for years because the spoke out against a crime ridden voting system. There is no justice in the USA.

  3. don’t touch that dial …

    “Something INCREDIBLE happened today that will make history
    I hate to be that guy, but stay tuned for a massive announcement on Monday afternoon that will benefit every American regardless of your politics”


  4. Meanwhile, I heard a few minutes ago that the crazy NY AG is attempting to charge President Trump with “hush money” charges regarding Stormy Daniels.
    They’ll pay get a crazy nut job grand juror like the one in Georgia.
    I thought this was all settled and Stormy even had to reimburse President Trump. Also, Stormy’s lawyer is in jail.

  5. “consider full pardons for rioters”
    The true rioters need to be in prison. Those who wrote this scenario should have their assets confiscated and given to the innocent imprisoned in this farce.

  6. “A new single released by a choir of men who are in prison for their participation in the attack on the US Capitol …”

    There was NO attack on the US Capitol! If we are going win this thing, we have to stop using language that supports the other side’s narrative.

  7. BillB,

  8. SNS, going to have rain on your MJK Jr. admiration parade. MLK Jr. was a devotee of Gandhi. The quote you used is a reflection of the Hindu philosophy of interconnectivity of all things, regardless of individuality and outside, external factors like The True and Living God’s influence. Also, the aspect of Hindu reincarnation and multiple gods is so diametrically opposed to Christianity it should have clued MLK Jr. seeking council from the ungodly, no matter the good intentions was not wise. He didn’t seem to faithfully trust the only True and Living God’s Word.

    Politically MLK Jr. had more in common with leftists whose inspirational foundation is the Civil Rights Movement. The Marxist civil rights “movement” was implemented to have socialism as a replacement for our God given individual autonomy by making the State in control. Poverty was supposed to be eliminated under government intervention according to socialist/Marxist like MLK Jr., but poverty increased astronomically.

    It was never about solving the so-called problem of injustice which was already solved with the creation of the US Constitution.
    Southern Democrats, facist in nature who controlled the US South gave Marxists a foot in the door to apply socialist doctrine to issues Democrats caused by denying black citizen their constitutional rights. Now we have the majority of black Americans lock step socialists – some knowingly and some unaware.

    People on the right need to really scrutinize MLK Jr. more closely. Ask yourself why do leftist celebrate him so fervently. Even when they disagree with his 60s era mindset – having a job, staying married, etc. they still idolize him.
    Sorry, he was NOT a righteous, conservative hero just because he was a registered Republican. Far from it.

  9. Depending on where the money goes, I’d buy a copy of this, no matter how good or bad it sounds.

  10. My comments about MLK Jr. may seem off topic but it’s the leftist policies of the communist oligarchy he supported that has gotten us to this point. Innocent American men and women killed or jailed for their patriotic stance.
    How ironic imprisoned J6 detainees are singing the only freedom song that matters and inspires/motivates the world.

  11. You poor poor babies, yeah thats right the same mfer’s who support the big lie support this lie. Hello way too much video footage that shows your claims are completely full of shit! Patriots my ass. That is just another big lie.

  12. 99th Squad Leader
    MARCH 10, 2023 AT 8:31 PM

    Please do not misunderstand. I am not a devotee of MLK, and I do understand his motives were not pure, but statements such as this one can be true whatever the man’s politics. This particular passage speaks to the “no standing” issue they wish to impose on it, and point out that every American from all over this Nation had and has standing to oppose this stolen election and the ongoing persecution of these political prisoners by virtue of the fact that we are all Americans. We need no other bona fide to oppose this injustice than that.

    MLK is nice to use in some cases as well as it is awkward for Democrats to oppose something HE said, so they are reduced to context arguments and trying to make everything racist when that doesn’t work. But this is a truth that trancends the teller, whatever his political intent may have originally been.

  13. SNS, thank you for being so gracious and well spoken in your reply. As you can tell MLK Jr. is more of a villain than a hero in my view. The legacy of MLK Jr. is corrupt and has lead many black Americans astray, literally away from God and country. He’s a working class version WEB DuBois (who was wealthy w/blue blood roots). MLK Jr. was a socialist to the core with Southern hospitality.

    You’re right, MLK Jr. did have some redeeming ideals that reflected a right leaning perspective despite his leftist tendencies. For me, however, his misleading ideologies which are evident in that quote, overshadow what good he might have represented.

    SNS, I like and respect your excellent assessment of what you extracted from his quote. For you, it’s a guideline for fighting against the theft of the 2020 presidential election, but for me it’s tainted by socialist/nihilistic ideology.

    Sorry, just not getting past that. I was a part of the left’s twisted world for a long time years ago. I understand their narrative and hidden objectives in the jargon.

    I’m very glad that you take the hype of MLK Jr. with a grain of salt. It’s just smart to be aware of a person’s true intentions, as you definitely know.


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