Equity Infects Med Schools – IOTW Report

Equity Infects Med Schools

Real Clear Politics

America’s top medical schools, worried they have too few minority students, are doing something about it. They are lowering academic standards for admission and trying to hide the evidence. Columbia, Harvard, the University of Chicago, Stanford, Mount Sinai, and the University of Pennsylvania have already done soThe list already tops forty, and more are sure to follow.

Of course, the universities won’t admit what they are doing – and certainly not why. All they will say is that their new standards add “equity” and “lived experience.” Unfortunately, adding those factors inevitably lessens the weight given to others. Examine

16 Comments on Equity Infects Med Schools

  1. Yep, when hiring a professional anything (doctor, airline pilot, financial advisor, lawyer, architect) never hire anyone under 40 years of age. Otherwise, you run the risk of getting someone unqualified, someone credentialed not by merit or achievement but by tribal membership.

  2. Problem beyond those being admitted to the Med Schools…

    I believe you might want to examine those that are “teaching” the classes.

    You’ll find that without a course in “Ebonics Speak” you’ll not understand the course work. Ax me how I know this. Other “speak” problems with other communication skills also.

  3. So we’ve watched this Asshole
    * Destroy our Energy sources
    * Destroy our Military
    * Destroy our Foreign Policy
    * Destroy our Police forces
    * Destroy our big cities with violent crime waves
    * Destroy our Southern Border
    * Destroy our entire Immigration process
    * Destroy agreements
    * Destroythe World’s confidence in the United States of America!
    * Destroy the Manufacturing Supply Chain
    * Destroy the Economy with raging inflation
    * Destroy the Dollar
    * Destroy the Stock Market
    * Destroy employment
    * Destroy small businesses
    * Destroy food distribution centers
    * Destroy the Strategic Petroleum Reserve
    * Create a baby formula shortage crisis while making sure Illegals have plenty.
    * Enabling school shooters and blocking the addition of school hardening.
    * Exploding crime wave due to “Defunding the Police and turning violent criminals loose.
    Now they are going after our critical institutions to mentally impair the next generation and the ability of future pilots and doctors to make important life/death decisions! When will it stop???

  4. …this is a rather good one about how some feel skin color entitles them to be specialist without resort to skill or work and stuff…

    ht tps://www.arthursido.com/2022/06/we-wuz-otolaryngologists-and-sheeit.html

  5. “White blood cell count? White blood cell count?! Y’all be worried ’bout them white cells cuz y’all be RAYCISS muthafuckas. Yo, what’s that black blood cell count, nigga?”

  6. Wait until these diversity hires start treating patients, flying planes, designing buildings and other professions where you’d rather have the best, skilled person and not one who got where they are by DEI initiatives. I’m glad I’m older.

  7. I’m no longer impressed with the white, top of their class, supposedly brilliant, 45 years plus doctors either. After watching them fold to the Covid scam they no longer impress me. When being admitted for Covid, every one of the bastards I had to fight with solidly believed in the government’s fraud. Dumb bastards all took the clot shots.

  8. You’re talking about allopaths, like judgeroy said, they fucking folded including the AMA who have endorsed genital mutilation, masking and vax mandates.

    Allopathy is good for diagnosis, ER and surgery. If you expect a pharmaceutical solution to what ails you, you’re not getting the message. A cured patient is no longer a customer.

    Allopathic mistakes including over prescribing medications are the 3rd leading cause of death in the USA.

  9. @ judgeroybean MARCH 11, 2023 AT 9:21 PM

    I wouldn’t trust my GP to have enough professional integrity to allow him to run a load of clothes through my automatic laundry any longer. The needle happy motherfucker’s only concern for over two years was injecting me with MRNA. When I flat out refused my routine flue shot he said: You’ve always gotten a flue shot. I told him: yup, and I want to keep it that way. The last thing I want is an injection you have salted with MRNA. Besides, ICYMI, file appears the flue has gone the way of the dodo bird. Look at the statistics from 200-present. Practically no one gets the flue any longer.

    He stuttered and stammered and muttered something about feeling insulted by me having questioned his integrity. To which I responded that so far as I can tell, he has none.

    FWIW, Obamacare was designed to consolidate the entire healthcare system and with The Party having complete control over everyone’s lives. Never forget the part that rotten fucking bastard Paul Ryan had in scuttling any and all efforts made to overturn it. I truly hope that despicable little cocksucker gets everything coming to him.

  10. Too late.
    Hospital Emergency Rooms have bee staffed with incompetent Affirmative Action hires for a couple of decades – particularly in Metropolitan areas.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  11. Yea.

    I can remember some newspaper article way back when, in the Deep South about several medical students (no photo, didn’t mention race) were working on a medical procedure to diagnose folks for sickle cell anemia by having them lick food stamps.

    Kinda wondered long after that, where THAT came from.


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