French cartoon depicts drunk Zelenskyy sending Ukrainians to the meat grinder to keep getting US dollars – IOTW Report

French cartoon depicts drunk Zelenskyy sending Ukrainians to the meat grinder to keep getting US dollars

Watch at Citizen Free Press.

17 Comments on French cartoon depicts drunk Zelenskyy sending Ukrainians to the meat grinder to keep getting US dollars

    Who’s side were they on in WW!???? Both
    Who’s side were they on in WW2???? Both
    Who’s side were the Ukrainian citizens on in the current Ukrainian-Russia War? No Surprise- BOTH

    Zelenksy is a closted Nazi,
    He’s most likely blackmailing biden, he know’s biden’s truth.

  2. Zelenskyy is a fucking puppet that made his own bed.
    He got played by NATO, Europe, USA & WEF.
    He is not a Nazi but the Nazi’s will try and come for him eventually.

    The whole war DID NOT NEED TO HAPPEN but is sure is making life miserable for everyone except those who planned it & Profit from it.

  3. Zelensky found the evidence of American corrupt politicians laundering money and funding chemical and germ warfare and is now blackmailing them so he and his cronies get rich.
    It won’t end until either the corrupt politicians are jailed or Zelensky is taken out.

  4. But fellas, it’s how things work. The ‘elites’ fuck everything up and take all the dough, while the war gets fired up so they can bury the evidence of their crimes among the human and animal victims of the war they started to cover up the evidence of their crimes. This isn’t the first time this kind of thing has happened but it’s the first time with the internet operating. Watch, they censor, unofficially now but coming? They have to censor, too much gets out, the minority of the rabble paying attention (us) is too much for them. Their attempt at war fever is more like a sniffle and we find it too easy to learn things they want hidden.

  5. Correction
    Zelensky assumed the position BECAUSE he knew our politicians are corrupt and he thought he could blackmail/count of them.

    However he found out just now that he’ll be under the bus before he can blink; when the media proposed the story that Ukrainian sympathizers blew up the NordStreamII.

    6 guys in Speedos diving off an oligarch’s yacht if I heard it right. Or a rusty Greek oil tanker (whose guts must look like a Bond villain’s dream workshop)

  6. On one hand, Zelinski is a hero for battling Russia to the extent he has been able to. On the other, he’s Biden’s, Schumer’s, Pelosi’s, McConnell’s bag-man in charge of the u-turn billions in us “aid” makes its way back to the above scumbags and their buddies.


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