Cartels are “Baloney”- Americans are Running Drugs Over Mexican Border – Debbie Washwoman Schultz – IOTW Report

Cartels are “Baloney”- Americans are Running Drugs Over Mexican Border – Debbie Washwoman Schultz

Even if we were to stipulate her dumb premise, how does that translate into advocating for open borders?

22 Comments on Cartels are “Baloney”- Americans are Running Drugs Over Mexican Border – Debbie Washwoman Schultz

  1. This is a “woman” that had to have a pork chop tied around her neck so the dog would play with her. Now we have to hear the rantings of someone who is as mentally devoid of a working brain stem as she is of physically appealing DNA. Did her parents lose a bet with God?

  2. How is that possible Debbie Washerwoman Shitz? AMLO has assured us that there are no drugs — no Fentanyl in Mexico. What are these “Amerixans” running?

  3. A minefield would solve whoever is doing it.
    Trump tried to put up a border wall and they stopped him every inch of the way they could.
    BTW, walls don’t care where you’re from.

  4. I like the idea of posting riflemen along the border fence, aiming parallel to the fence.
    If you jump the fence, you’re in the sights, and no one on the other side of the fence is shot.

  5. If one could tally and combine the collective IQs of Debbie Brillohair Schultz, Alexandria Occasional Cortex, Adam Schiffless, and all of the democrats could we even reach 100? I don’t think so. Maybe adding in Abigail Stinkberer would get us to a hundred.

    But let’s not limit this to Democrats. Mitch McConnell doesn’t have two brain cells. Add in Lindsay Grahama and we’re up to three brain cells.


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