Why Do We Eat What We Eat at Breakfast? – IOTW Report

Why Do We Eat What We Eat at Breakfast?

If you ever wondered what this narrator looks like, it is Joe Streckert-

23 Comments on Why Do We Eat What We Eat at Breakfast?

  1. Loco, I was like you for my whole life, up until I was prescribed a few pills (I know, not my idea) that had to be taken. Yogurt and granola is pretty light and it doesn’t take much.

  2. Loco, pills for pulmonary embolism, pulmonary hypertension, congestive heart failure. I always resisted even talking an aspirin, but I have a blood disease that caused those issues. Before I was diagnosed I could hardly walk up a flight of steps. But I can walk up a couple flights now. I hate taking these pills, but it seems to have made a difference. Anyway, getting back to the post, having something in my belly in the morning is a good idea.

  3. I start off every morning with a mixer full of bananas, blue berries, a couple shovels full of what ever whey protein powder and thinned out with apple juice.
    If it’s a work day I stop buy a special little mom and pop restaurant and pick up a breakfast burrito. Days off we usually fry p some bacon, cut up a shit load of strawberries, and make some waffles using Kodiac Pancake/Waffle batter. Cool stuff. Keto friendly.

  4. I don’t eat anything from the time I get up at 0430 till the time I get home at 1600, caffinated beverages only until then. This is for a variety of reasons and habits formed over decades, but one reason is that I don’t like to play an “away game” on the few toilets provided for the hundreds of freinds from around the world at work, so I can skip the shoe marks on the seat and the Islamic dick washing and needle pierced toilet paper and Hispanic piles of used poop paper next to the commode because the plumbing systems they grew up with couldn’t handle it.

    …which is not to say that Americans can’t make the work toilet experience problematic. We’ve had a few trans over the years, but there’s drug deals going on with the phones in the bathrooms and creeps who stand behind you at the urinals waiting for the stall to vacate and things like that, but my favorite was this guy who inspired the company to post “NO FOOD OR DRINK” signs on the bathrooms. No, really.

    This was a large, strong man with a rather simple mind, and I don’t know what went on in his life in the projects that inspired this but he had a habit of eating things on the throne, some sort of perpetual motion I suppose, and singing to himself, his dick, and his turds in a surprisingly high, keening voice (think Michael Jackson going “HE he hee!) for his Notorious B.I G. size as he sat in the *ONLY* stall in the back Men’s Room while eating a large pizza (you could see the box on the floor under the stall) and drink an entire 2 litre before returning to work.

    Nice guy, hard worker otherwise, but problematic for this and other reasons, and they could not make him understand why this wasn’t acceptable because he was so simple. Eventually they had to let him go for attendance and hygine issues, but you get the idea that why doing some “solids control” seems to me the best way to avoid the issue until I get to my own personal porcelain in the evening when I can relax, sit squarey on my non-footprinted seat, and let things roll as they may without having to worry about turd burglars banging on the stall door…

  5. My breakfast this AM:
    Fried breaded catfish.
    Buttermilk biscuit and gravy.
    Cantaloupe slices, salted.
    Chocolate whey protein powder in milk, with strawberry yogurt.
    Coffee with cream and Kahlua.

    I should make it to lunchtime…


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