I Liked the World Better When Everyone Was Made Fun of, Not Just Me – IOTW Report

I Liked the World Better When Everyone Was Made Fun of, Not Just Me


President Biden’s press secretary said Monday that former Vice President Mike Pence owes a round of apologies for jokes he made about Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, which the White House called homophobic. Pence made the remarks in his speech Saturday night at journalists’ yearly Gridiron dinner in Washington, the Guardian reports, in referring to the paternity leave taken by Buttigieg—which he called a maternity leave. “Thousands of travelers were stranded in airports, the air traffic system shut down, and airplanes nearly collided on our runways,” Pence said. “Pete is the only person in human history to have a child and everyone else gets postpartum depression.”

In fall 2021, Buttigieg said his twins were hospitalized with a respiratory virus infection. They were listed in critical condition at one time, per the Hill. The administration was dealing with supply chain problems and trying to get the infrastructure bill passed, and though Buttigieg said he worked every day from the hospital, he was criticized by political opponents for not doing more. Fox’s Tucker Carlson was among those who ridiculed Buttigieg with remarks some considered homophobic.


I a sick of the work “homophobic.” I’m not scared of homos. I am scared of the erosion of tfree speech.

This entire bullshit started when you were told it “was hurtful” to say hurtful things. Yes, that is the entire point– to hurt someone. Please don’t try and tell me that homos don’t hurt anyone–or chinks, or trannies, or dykes, or retards (well, maybe retards don’t.)

The playing field is not level, and until it is, Booty Judge will just have to suck it up… (I should reword that.)

9 Comments on I Liked the World Better When Everyone Was Made Fun of, Not Just Me

  1. If the “Administration” doesn’t want jokes made about their “people” perhaps they should stop installing the freaks that can garner nothing but jokes and disgust.

  2. The jokes wouldn’t have landed if JiggyButt simply DID HIS JOB!!!
    If he wants to be a Mommydad or a Daddymom he must do that AND STILL DO HIS JOB, or DELEGATE his job to a responsible subordinate, or QUIT HIS JOB.

    Otherwise he’d best gird his panties for MUCH more criticism. And mocking, for what distinguishes him and makes him proud of himself. Performing felatio (like the vast majority of this Administration, all genders, all ages)

  3. I am sorry to hear his adopted children were in the hospital. Not something I would wish on any parent.

    Even so, he has an important job that can destroy people’s lives if not done properly and professionally. As we have recently seen, the people of East Palestine will be suffering for generations because of a failure in an important transportation system.

    Biden’s entire administration is to blame since they ignored the problem until they couldn’t anymore (aka: Trump). Every single one of them is an idiot – and my apologies to other idiots out there for the comparison.

    We are stuck however in this nightmare. Yesterday it was a train reck, now it’s a run on the banks. Tomorrow? Maybe it’s just time to have a drink or three.

  4. “Pete is the only person in human history to have a child and everyone else gets postpartum depression.”

    Where’s the reference to Buttigieg’s faggottry?

    It simply isn’t there.

    If Pence had said: “Pete is the only faggot in human history to adopt a sex-slave and everyone else gets post-adoption depression.” then maybe … just maybe … some might raise their eyebrows.

    The implication is that faggots are above criticism – based solely on the issue of faggotry – regardless of professional performance – which is absurd – especially as regards a government official.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. “The implication is that faggots are above criticism – based solely on the issue of faggotry…”
    Exactly! That’s how progressives roll. It’s why they ran Obama, who couldn’t be criticized because he was black, and Hillary, because she is a woman. Of course, these rules don’t apply to conservative women, POC, or homosexuals.


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