Girl Walks Out on Date Because He Decided Not To Pay 3 Dollars Extra For Cheese on His Burger – IOTW Report

Girl Walks Out on Date Because He Decided Not To Pay 3 Dollars Extra For Cheese on His Burger

The comments didn’t go well on her post. I didn’t see one comment that backed her up.

So she posted a follow up video, whining that she is broke, makes poor financial decisions, and doesn’t think about money when she wants to have a good time.

Nothing says good time more than “cheese.”

The bad news is the guy is supposedly going on a second date with her.


(She’s not a 4 or a 2. Her attitude makes her a 1.)

35 Comments on Girl Walks Out on Date Because He Decided Not To Pay 3 Dollars Extra For Cheese on His Burger

  1. I think EVERY guy should do the exact same thing on a first date and filter-our dumb parasites like this woman. The guy doesn’t know how lucky he was to be rid of her so quickly.

  2. Wait, so all I had to do was not get cheese on my burger and my date would pay for the meal? Dang, how did I not know this when I was dating?

    Of course, this was 30 years ago but I know my wife was a keeper when I first asked her out, she picked the restaurant and picked up the check, and she secured the second date at the same time. Who says men are afraid of strong women?

  3. Dear young man,
    RUN, do not walk, to the nearest exit.
    Do not look back.
    Do not return, EVER.
    Any young woman who complains about being poor, and broke, yet never stops to consider that you, too, may be in the same financial straits, well……she’s “high maintenance”, and will bleed you dry throughout your relationship (including marriage). And as for divorce? Best shoot yourself.
    Consider yourself lucky that you found out now about her avarice and whining.
    You dodged a bullet.

  4. A: Cheese has always been extra, so minus points for dumbo even thinking differently. $3 for it on a burger is a deal killer in my book, even if you know cheese is extra. Not worth that.

    B: It’s HIS burger, not yours, honey. Doesn’t look like he forced you to order off the kids menu. You got what you wanted. Quitchurbichin right there.

    Which leads to the real problem that can actually save this man from a future of constant grief and bankruptcy…

    C: You are SO not wife material if him being frugal pisses you off. You should be money-minded yourself, otherwise you’ll have no money in the bank and a mountain of debt trying to live a life you can’t afford. For what? Appearing like money doesn’t matter when it actually does? You’re not even close to being a partner in life.

    D: I agree with the assessment of 1 for her. Zero being dead.

    Me grading them?

    Grade of B minus for the dude’s ignorance – which can easily be overcome. You’re such a noob.

    Zero for her. She has a LOT LOT LOT more to learn than him.

    I think I should give her a bit more credit for not wearing makeup and presenting a false front. How much? doesn’t matter. She killed her possibilities with her nonsense. Just as if she had whole-face tattoos.

  5. The guy is hopeless. In her follow up video she said that they a second date planned and that he is laughing about their first date. Like I said, the guy is hopeless.

  6. Taking a woman to a restaurant on a first date is always a bad idea. For all the talk about women being complicated, multi-layered, and difficult to read, I always found that after the first 5 minutes, they have revealed enough for you to make an informed first impression as to the viability of the relationship. Most men are not appreciative of their own time or adept enough to cut bait so they are stuck sharing a meal with an undesirable and paying for it in the process. Get coffee, meet at a park for a nice walk, or even drinks would be fine. Have an exit plan formulated and hope for a positive experience but dating is about percentages and being discriminating.

  7. Actually Rich, I think a dinner for a first date is a great idea. If she is picky, sends food back, treats the server poorly, or eats like a sow, has 3 cocktails, all are good indicators she’s not a keeper. It could be 75 bucks well spent.

  8. I think where you go on your first date is somewhat irrelevant. What might be more important is that it’s a relaxed atmosphere and you have a chance to communicate. My wife and my first two dates were for dinner and just a couple weeks ago we celebrated our 39th anniversary. I think I knew after our first date that we would do well. This girl in the video? There wouldn’t have been a second date.

  9. I don’t know what the eff branzino is, but my spidey-senses tell me if your date orders it, she’s high maintenance. Do yourself a favor. Hang out by the Lane Bryant store and find a gal who would order regular shit….

  10. I get my fill of women this age at the gym. All dressed to leave nothing to the imagination. Maybe 2% have their head on straight. Easy to spot, they wear baggy shit. The other 98% want to accuse of staring at them. Please bitch. I’m missing most my salivary glands so I visit the water fountain often. Like every set. I had some little bimbo say to me the other day, wow you sure visit the water fountain a lot. She was incorrectly using a machine next to it. I replied, Yea well there’s a reason for that, throat cancer. LOL, You didn’t think I was wondering over here to check out you bony ass, did you? Haven’t seen her or her cell phone in awhile. And I’m 65.

  11. Brad, to me it’s not so much the hot women dressed provocatively, it’s the NOT hot at all chicks wearing spandex with fat rolls popping out all over the place, strutting around the gym like all the dudes are checking them out.
    I get the “body positivity” movement but DAMN!

  12. I took a girl to a 9:15 movie once to a first date in a shopping mall.
    Bought the tickets and i though we would just wait & talk.
    The stores closed at 9PM.
    Between 8:45 and 9 that chick was in & out of 2 or 3 stores and actually tried something on.
    Watched the Movie with her.

  13. Loco
    We’re on rare earth, we agree. The worth while young women are wearing baggy ass shit to the gym. They train hard, they train sound. There is a movement for women who train smart and hard and it has little to do with the My Fans Only crowd.
    A coupe months ago I was watching a young woman try and do front squats with dumbbells and really struggling with the weight. So I broken one of my golden rules. Never give anybody younger than me advice. I gave her the old pre fatigue routine. Do leg extensions to failure and then do dumbbell squats. She did one set and was like, Oh My God Becky. Now I’ve got her and three of her friends being really cool. Which I’m happier than a pig in shit about cause I’ve been lifting weights since Christ was a kid and I’m thrilled to pass that old school shit on.
    Mean while the My Fans Only Crowd wearing spandex so tight you can tell when they forgot to shave, hogs the Smith machine for hours doing hip thrusters trying to build that big ole ass. Stay tuned for next weeks episode when we discuss our new Gym Manager. An ex Marine and gayer than fuck. I hope you’ve enjoyed, As The Gym Turns.

  14. “Why do people who post this shit think anyone is remotely interested in it”

    LOL, sadly there are. Look at the Trolls we have here. Posting here is what they do for entertainment? Really? They should kill themselves and get it over with because that’s some sad shit.

  15. Watch Paul J Watson’s latest. He shows clips from some podcast…
    Oh my gosh! If any of the girls on there were my daughter, I’d never admit it.
    It goes along with the bulloney young girls are learning from today’s culture though.
    If they ever get married and have children the next generation will be a bunch of idiots.

  16. Next date bring a slice of that cheese that has plastic wrap on it, and discreetly place on your hamburger. You’re welcome. P.S. place on after you unwrap said cheese.

  17. This is a great lesson for me (if they listen) and even greater lesson for women: this video will haunt this fool for the rest of her life in ways she can never imagine. Sure, her fellow idiot femninists will back her up, but they’ll be missing when she’s alone in her 30s and the rest of her life. She’ll probably have a sperm donor knock her up and she’ll have a boy who she’ll turn into a transvestite (Munchuasen By Proxy).

    Meantime, she can thank parasites like this:

    Patricia Schroeder, Feminist Force in Congress, Dies at 82
    ht tps://


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