Insurrection? – IOTW Report


18 Comments on Insurrection?

  1. Leftists, like these union members, are the bigoted, thuggish, lying, treasonous, self-aggrandizing, racist, pedophilic thieves of our lives, our liberties, our freedoms, our vote and our country.

  2. No stopping the Democrats now that they control my state. Right-to-Work was the only reason we had a resurgence of business. That will soon be gone. Last one out turn off the lights.

  3. Left Michigan is my rearview mirror May of 2017. My wife’s got a passel of relatives still there. They could all escape if they wished to but they are lulled by that pot of warm water they’re in that’s coming to a boil.

  4. I belong to a union, no choice where I work. I believe in personal accountability and standing on my own merits. Fuck the unions, my dues go to protect people that should be fired and politicians that I do not believe in. The unions did good for most workers a very long time ago, not anymore.

  5. 9Booger – The unions did good for most workers a very long time ago, not anymore.

    And that’s the real point. Times have changed since unions were needed. People no longer have to shop at the company store or wonder what’s going on due to a lack of communication and transportation.
    Today everybody has a phone, a car and the internet. Want a better job, go find one. The fact of the matter is that many non-union companies treat workers better than union shops since they don’t want to give a chance for the union to step in, get in the way and divide things up. They only really serve as a wall between management and the job force.

  6. The auto makers bailed out of Michigan when the UAW became too much. But, if you work for a living and you’re not union, you probably vote Republican, so, better a state full of unemployed Democrats than a state full of hard working Republicans.


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