Embattled freshman GOP Rep. George Santos files to run for 2024 reelection – IOTW Report

Embattled freshman GOP Rep. George Santos files to run for 2024 reelection

Just The News: New York Republican Rep. George Santos on Tuesday officially filed to run for reelection in 2024 despite fierce opposition, including from those in his own party.

The U.S. Federal Election Commission ordered Santos last month to either declare his candidacy for 2024 or stop fundraising. Santos, who admitted to fabricating his resume, has faced calls to resign amid numerous investigations.

6 Comments on Embattled freshman GOP Rep. George Santos files to run for 2024 reelection

  1. Worse, a new-age republican. You breed em & how. Oh but this is so much better because “its” a republican, die die die, there is no future only faggots!! Oh my

  2. This dude is exactly what we need in office. He’s openly, everything that is wrong with our government. Just laid out there bare for the world to see.
    Liar, cheat, crook, mentally weak, loves by his constituents but loathes by everyone else.
    That last part is the key… it applies to all of them. They keep getting “voted” in by the respective constituencies but clearly hated and wrong for the country. Case in point, Nanner’s. Pelosi is clearly the wrong person for the job but alas, been in since the 90’s.

    Basically, this guy needs to stay in as long as possible until the “Mass of Americans” overrun the capital (for real). Which isn’t going to happen whilst there is bread and circus. So either Russia, Israel or China gets to do the dirty. Then all you “conservatives” can cowtow to your new masters (unless it’s Israel, then it’s the same boss) as they walk you poor white slobs to the pit for disposal.

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