Christian fired for refusing to attend mandatory LGBTQ training session loses appeal – IOTW Report

Christian fired for refusing to attend mandatory LGBTQ training session loses appeal

BPR: A federal appellate court has tossed out the appeal of a former Christian account clerk named Raymond Zdunski in western New York who was terminated for refusing to attend a mandatory LGBTQ training session in 2018 that he said conflicted with his religious beliefs.

Zdunski worked for Erie 2-Chautauqua-Cattaraugus BOCES for seven years. He called the termination “unlawful religious discrimination.” After being fired, he sued for reinstatement, back pay, and $10 million in damages.

“The Board of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES) is a public organization that was created by the New York State Legislature in 1948 to provide shared educational programs and services to school districts within the state,” according to Fox News.

Zdunski contended that the LGBTQ training and makeup session were “aimed at changing his religious beliefs about gender and sexuality.” He went on to assert in the lawsuit that the training “would have caused him to violate the religious teachings to which he adheres.” He was denied a religious accommodation by BOCES. more

15 Comments on Christian fired for refusing to attend mandatory LGBTQ training session loses appeal

  1. ExxonMobil sent us to one of those inclusion/diversity training sessions once in the early 2000’s. I thought that fat, lesbian bitch leading the discussion at our table was going to pull her butch hair right out of her scalp when we finished with her. I think we drove her straight. IDK!

  2. Fortunately, my company isn’t pushing this crap on us – yet. However, I will just take the course if they shove it down my throat in order to keep my income. Nothing I can do to change them, and nothing they can do to change me.

    I also work with at least one homosexual. Fortunately they don’t flaunt it, nor do they shove it down our throats. I wouldn’t mind having a beer (or three) with anyone I work with, as we have a pretty tight team (and no, not *that* tight!)

    Keep it to yourself – nobody wants to hear about my sex life, why would I want to hear about yours?

    But the bad ones just can’t. They have to justify their over-the-top sinfulness by forcing everyone else to accept it.

    Not going to happen.

  3. Apparently, This type of insanity IS a Religion…a state-sponsored religion…and, “shall not have any false gods before it”.

    Throw in, “the science is settled”, on “Climate Change” and a hilarious incomprehensible gaggle of other abominations and disinformation narratives against common sense, actual science, nature and the human race, and then let’s see how long these adherents to this garbage will survive on this Earth.

  4. “Though the lower courts did not find in his favor, we are not deterred and will seek redress from the US Supreme Court,”


  5. The law is a cudgel.
    Ask the Jews of Germany circa 1935.
    Ask the Christians and Jews of America circa 2025.

    Satanism is the only Federally-acceptable religion.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. “Though the lower courts did not find in his favor, we are not deterred and will seek redress from the US Supreme Court,”

    Because Zir Zdunski believes racist and sexist and homophobic teachings that do not align with current Court doctrines, and because he even thinks he knows what a “woman” is despite having no credentials as a biologist, he will find no favor in my Court.

  7. I bet the only new hires there are diversity hires.
    How many failures do they have to have to stop this nonsense?
    Mr. Beachmom just had to clean up and fix a number of jobs some diversity hires thought they could fake their way through then quit when they were found out.
    The company also does things like send company wide emails to announce Victoria will now be known as Henry.
    5 yrs to retirement…..

  8. My daughter was an HR director for a hootie-tootie winery. I saw this video and I can see my daughter doing this. I sent her the video and she said “this is why I’m getting out of this business.” Too bad all HR directors weren’t like this: (remove the spaces)

    Perfect HR director for your company (I’d hire her)

    https:// www. youtube. com/watch?v=0xsoahzXN7E&t=1s

  9. Must be a mistake! Both ABC + CBS have told me many, many times the last 60 years that the “war on Christianity” is a Goldwater/Reagan lie!

    Would The Press lie? *!@#!%^&


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