Life Not Going Well? – IOTW Report

Life Not Going Well?

This might be the most depressing thing I’ve seen in a decade.

Do not watch and then blame me for having a bad reaction. Be warned, this is difficult to watch.

It’s a video of a mixed-up transgender dude whose father, in his own words, “is trying his best.”

The dad may be a little mixed-up himself, and this “pleasant” time spirals out of control for no good reason.

22 Comments on Life Not Going Well?

  1. Notice tranny men MELT DOWN when you “misgender” them? That’s because you are, knowingly or unknowingly, calling them out on their bullshit lie. And they CAN’T STAND IT because deep down they know they’re fucked up. And they lash out in disturbed anger like a knife slicing through their once beloved cock.

  2. I read this week that a very large percentage of the kids saying they are transgender are also autistic (which the kid in this video says he is). It seems to me that our current medical” system first gives the kids autism with vaccines and then talks them into mutilating themselves in an effort to become something honest doctors know they’ll never be while reaping exorbitant profits on the surgeries and long term “medical care” such as hormones, puberty blockers, psychotherapy, etc.

    According to Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the rate for autism in the late 1980’s to the early 1990’s was 1 in 10,000 children (the “expanded” vaccine schedule for infants was instituted in 1989 – link to 40 second video below). In the mid to late 1990’s the rate had exploded to 1 in 34 children. If the COVID scam proved nothing else to me, it proved beyond any doubt that the medical industry as it exists today is far more concerned with profits / control at any cost with zero regard for actual healing of patients. I used to be skeptical that vaccines caused autism, but with the lies and BS surrounding the COVID “vaccine” crap, I’m far less skeptical than I used to be.

    ht tps://

    While the smart phone may offer him some emotional support, the kid in the video probably hurts himself much worse by mindlessly using it to feed his narcissism which ends up in a vicious cycle when people don’t respond to his demands on his desired timeline and he gets depressed which brings on some of his mental episodes.
    For far too many young people (and far to many adults as well), the smart phones create a very unhealthy desire for attention and approval from strangers that care nothing about the person on the other end.

  3. Can’t look at this hour as I’m up in the night with my pet.
    But as a substitute teacher I encountered a third grader recently that was headed out to a special field trip with a small group–the reason I was subbing for their teacher–the only student wearing a hoodie, otherwise not allowed–whose name is of all things.
    The teacher reached over my clipboard and took a pen and scratched out a girl’s name and then said that name is (the obviously male name). I just said is this name scratched out a female name? and she said yes, I said I’ve not encountered this before and just wondering because SOME people if they did would be shocked. She agreed saying yes some would flip or something over it. I guess I was calm but I’m sure I stared a bit and felt APPALLED! Third GRADE! Who makes these decisions. She looked up and said there is (the obvious male name) and I saw a tall girlish looking child in an athletic suit with hoodie on as if the child was embarrassed by a bad haircut I dumped that school on my list!

  4. Can’t type the distinctive male name but think its Biblical and it’s unusual, not run of the mill Michael or anything like that. That teacher has to put up with it as they make something substantial to support their families so I guess they don’t say anything. But she knows it bothers me now.

  5. Then I shared this story with a WOKE friend and was told If the parents say that’s the name of the kid tht’s the name of the kid end of story!

    To show how the left doubles down on this cruel insanity and dismisses it until someday it slaps them right in their ugly faces!

  6. Another non woke friend believes it’s nutritional based pesticides or something causing dysmorphia? is that incorrect word, IDK at this hour. perhaps also causing autism? Get with your local organic farmer or grow your own veggies NOW

  7. Try to avoid the mentally ill.

    Psychotics are always dangerous and even neurotics can be dangerous.
    Narcissists, particularly Diabolical Narcissists, should be avoided at all costs.

    Morons, imbeciles, idiots, and other assorted retards, are mostly pitiable and painful to be around – but less dangerous – and sometimes make good politicians, teachers, union members, and climate “activists.”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. The world has gotten very weird in the last 3 years.

    I still think the trans eruption is driven from the top, but it’s a mystery how they get young people to buy it.

    The more trans, the fewer people in the next generation. It fits into what the Masters of the World want.

  9. Only made it a few seconds in but my thought is “Hey buddy, turn off the damn computer and find a job! Get outside and live instead of talking to a mirror. “

  10. I believe that out of all the atrocities man can create, this is the worse. It’s a crime against God, man, and nature. Sodom and
    Gomorrah, rinse and repeat. Those who know the Word know what I mean.

  11. “Only made it a few seconds in but my thought is ‘Hey buddy, turn off the damn computer and find a job! Get outside and live instead of talking to a mirror.'”

    VF, I honestly believe they don’t want help. They expect us to conform to them. Besides, “evil people” are in the workforce and why take the chance of running into one of them? It’s always an excuse with the mentally ill.

  12. Rush knew – ‘minds full of mush’.

    It’s probably the 3rd generation of people going through the f’d up public school system, so the parents are more selfish and the kids are more ignored – leaving the schools, media, and internet to ‘teach’ the kids their f’d up version of ‘morality’.

    People focused on themselves and their manufactured problems are extremely simple to control.



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