Connecticut Threatens to Shut Down a Private Pre-School Over Students’ Immunization Status – IOTW Report

Connecticut Threatens to Shut Down a Private Pre-School Over Students’ Immunization Status

“Little Eagles Pre-School was told you are non-compliant, either get [students] compliant by March 15 or expel them. If you don’t do one of those two things...then we will shut you down.

8 Comments on Connecticut Threatens to Shut Down a Private Pre-School Over Students’ Immunization Status

  1. Absolute proof that the vaxx has NOTHING whatsoever to do with health.

    Those “vaxxed” are (allegedly) protected – those un-“vaxxed” are the only ones at “risk.”
    And if they get the flu, so what? Get it and the natural immunity takes over.
    There are no physicians involved in this nazi approach.

    Fuck Connecticut – and fuck their nazi ways.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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