On this day in history, March 20, 1854, Republican Party founded to oppose expansion of slavery – IOTW Report

On this day in history, March 20, 1854, Republican Party founded to oppose expansion of slavery

FOX: The Republican Party, forged from of a coalition of political forces to oppose the advance of slavery in the American west, was created in Ripon, Wisconsin, on this day in history, March 20, 1854. 

“The Republican Party grew out of resistance to the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854, which overrode the Missouri Compromise and allowed slavery to spread into Western territory by popular sovereignty,” writes PBS American Experience in its history of political parties in the United States

“‘Anti-Nebraska’ men included anti-slavery Whigs, Democrats, Free Soilers, reformers, and abolitionists.”

Alvin Earle Bovay, an attorney and co-founder of Ripon College, was incensed by the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act in the Senate in March and led a meeting at the town’s Congregational Church. 

“This group, considering possible passage of the Kansas-Nebraska bill then being debated in Congress, resolved that steps should be taken to form a new Republican Party to appeal to all those who opposed slavery in the territories,” writes the Wisconsin Historical Society. MORE

7 Comments on On this day in history, March 20, 1854, Republican Party founded to oppose expansion of slavery

  1. An awful thing for the country to go through: two rights clashing over economic and territorial issues.

    States Rights versus the God-given right of freedom and equality. That’s a bitch to solve with a result that makes everybody happy. Wrapped around that was the question of which system would govern in the new lands opening up in the west, free labor or slavery. IMO, control over territory is always the root cause of war.

    But I have to blame the southern planters for bringing in slave labor from Africa to work the fields. Everyone would be much better off today if the US never had slavery. Goes without saying, I guess. Now, we’re on the hook for millions, maybe billions in reparations, when people living today had nothing to do with slavery. Higher taxes will pay for it.

  2. Fact is that the DEMOCRAT PARTY created, developed, and advocated the KU KLUX KLAN (c. 1880s to present day) of which JOE BIDEN is a longtime associate and friend of, whoch is filmed and documented. KKK simply changed their heinous tactics over time to become more covert, deceptive, and maipulative as seen in Joe Biden’s often appointing blaks to high positions. Biden’s intentions is to exploit these people and have them turn against and kyll one another which is one reason why he and accomplices urged the non-white population to subit to the toxic vaxx while others are regarded by these political reporbates as collateral damage. Urged on by the laughable loser Biden, Fake Fauci is reported to be recently seen knocking on doors in blak nabes urging his poisonous vaxx upon them.


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