A quick look at Moderna’s Profit and Pricing – IOTW Report

A quick look at Moderna’s Profit and Pricing

Peter Halligan Substack:

A quick look at Moderna’s Profit and Pricing of C19 shots – (hike to 130 bucks a shot on the way).

In that article was this table.
The doses ordered went up to July 2022.

Of interest, check this SubStack post out:

Moderna pays $400 million in royalties to former Fauci led agency (substack.com)

“Can you have a guess as to who was the boss at NIAID up until last year? Of course it was none other than Dr. Fauci”

“Moderna has so far sold about $36 BILLION worth of their covid mRNA vaccines. That is a lot of money.Turns out that the reason Moderna is paying these royalties is because they borrowed a technique from government-funded research to MODIFY the spike protein mRNA code used in the vaccines.”

For the US, the split between doses administered is maintained at a strict 60% Pfizer to 40% Moderna ratio.

So, the price being attacked of $130 per dose is actually a seven fold increase over all types of dose and an eight and a half fold increase over the first 100 million doses, ordered FOUR MONTHS BEFORE EUA was granted to Moderna on 18 December 2020.

Okay, let’s check out some financials on Moderna. more here

1 Comment on A quick look at Moderna’s Profit and Pricing

  1. Friend: Claw, how is it you didn’t get the jab?
    Claw: Because there is a lot in a name and Moderna=ModernRNA… and something about that didn’t set well with me. Also, everything I know about government, I learned from Randy Weaver. So, when the government insisted the jab was “safe & effective”… I knew better.


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