She Got Served! – IOTW Report

She Got Served!

Shocked AOC loses it when she’s finally confronted by Libs of TikTok

BPR: It’s no secret that “Libs of TikTok” owner Chaya Raichik has been trying to contact Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-NY, to discuss a lie the congresswoman told during a committee hearing. After a couple of failed attempts, the two finally crossed paths as Raichik was leaving the Capitol, and it didn’t take long for the sparks to fly.

One week after her first visit to AOC’s office, Raichik decided to try again. She ventured to the Capitol in the hopes of hand-delivering an ethics complaint to the congresswoman along with Heritage Oversight Project’s Mike Howell. While she was only successful in handing the complaint over to a staffer at the office, as luck would have it Ocasio-Cortez happened to be leaving the Capitol at the same time as Raichik. The result was a rather brief but heated confrontation.

At first, the two were posing for what appeared to be a friendly photo before Raichik revealed who she was to the congresswoman. After realizing that she was face-to-face with the owner of the Libs of TikTok Twitter account, Ocasio-Cortez became very nasty. MORE

9 Comments on She Got Served!

  1. “You’re super transphobic”

    See whuts happening here? Transphobic is the new Racism! Watch out Blacks, Lefty Libs are pushing you to the back of the hawg to suck hind tit!

  2. OK, now’s the time to put a stop to all this “-phobe/phobic/phobia” crap. All of those things the stinkin’ progs want to tell me I’m “-phobic” towards, I’m not. I do not FEAR them. Rather, I DISLIKE or HATE them.

    The word that describes that is transmisic. says:


    From Ancient Greek μῖσος (mîsos, “hatred”) or μῑσέω (mīséō, “to hate”) (+ -ia); attested since at least the 1950s. Devised as an alternative to the suffix -phobia, which etymologically (and clinically) denotes fear, though it is also widely used in English to denote hatred. Compare -misic (hating something), as in homomisic.

  3. Our favorite neighborhood game growing up was regularly referred to as ‘smear the queer.’ It meant the same thing but nobody cared. At all. We also called it cremation. Basically one guy has the football and the others try to tackle him. My front yard grass was destroyed, because either the other families’ yards weren’t workable or the parents didn’t allow it.
    The real problem with these groups is their thin-skinnedness. Although I suppose they consider that their greatest virtue.

  4. all libs of tik tok did was repost what was already posted

    you would think the tranny’s exposed by libs of tik tok would love the additional exposure.
    after all the trannys posting on tik tok are really only crying out for help

    but all the polticians can do is help them sustain their mental illness because solving it would take away an issue they can continually campaign on.


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