Did he just…? – IOTW Report

Did he just…?

I had to look away. You watch and tell me if he did or not. 🤮

24 Comments on Did he just…?

  1. Kcir: I happy to say, I NEVER did it as a Kid, & never understood it.
    Immunologists say that it’s not such a bad thing as it helps build immunity against diseases. I recall the idea being floated around back in the 80’s. Dunno, kids do what kids do. Kids play in dirt and mud and they’re still around. Now an adult doing it – one that’s got a Dr before his name and he’s 82 years old? Well, can’t stop him now!

  2. I read a statistic a year or two ago that said 92% of adults admit to picking their nose. Also, that the other 8% are lying.

    But they aren’t eating what they reap!

  3. It brings to mind two events.

    The first, not chronologically. My ex-brother-in-law’s father was caught digging deep on the fan-cam at a college football game.

    The second, and I warn the queasy not to continue, was in 7th grade English. I was put in a working group with an odd character (admittedly, because I was a bit odd myself). I was talking to the student to my left and then turned to address him. There, on the end of his index finger, not but an inch or two from my face, dangled the largest wettest booger I had ever seen. I could smell it. Encouraged by my initial reaction, he proceeded to put it in his mouth, slurping off the ooze first, then chewing the crusty part like some kind of putrescent taffy. I could still smell it. I can still smell it. Enjoy your lunch.

  4. Goldenfoxx,

    Don’t Care.

    99% chance I currently have COOF. Its running through all the HVAC Guys this season as we are all changing Filters for Spring. I was still busting my ass on a roof today.

    It won’t kill me, but working for Idiots probably Will.

    Happy Easter!

  5. That’s worse than the time my younger brother dangled a sardine from his lunch in front of a girl in elementary school at lunch time and was sent to the Principals office afterwards. And don’t even ask me about the time that he ate a whole jar of dill pickles all by himself on a family picnic and barfed all over my uncles brand new Buick on the way back from Westport, Wash. to Bremerton where my uncle, aunt and cousins lived. Boogers might have been better.

  6. At one of my HVAC suppliers there is a hand written sign on the bathroom:

    “Blow You Nose into a Tissue, NOT the Walls or Mirror!”

    Cracks me up every time. I’m surrounded by Animals.


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