Bud Light Brand Manager Who Rejected Frat House Image Looking Pretty “Fratty” Herself – IOTW Report

Bud Light Brand Manager Who Rejected Frat House Image Looking Pretty “Fratty” Herself

Daily Caller

The vice president of marketing at Bud Light, who recently said the company needs to update its “fratty” image and “out-of-touch humor,” can be seen partaking in the same behavior she seemed to be criticizing during a Harvard social club event, recently leaked images show.

The Daily Caller obtained the photos from a source who had screenshots of the album on Alissa Gordon Heinerscheid’s Facebook page, which was titled “Isis Senior Reverse Initiation Scavenger Hunt.” In the album, there are photos of Heinerscheid drinking with others, and holding condoms up to their mouths. An article in the Harvard Crimson describes the club as a “haven of inebriated ditzes.” More

30 Comments on Bud Light Brand Manager Who Rejected Frat House Image Looking Pretty “Fratty” Herself


  2. Once again Rich Taylor provides his true beliefs. Tomorrow he’ll visit his retired state buddies at Star Bucks and laugh his ass off on how he showed those stupid America First assholes up. Pffft, how passe, our country first. Nice job exposing your true beliefs there Rich. Have we had a couple glasses of wine tonight? Funs coming.

  3. Dumb See You Next Tuesday has never had an original thought her entire life. She isn’t even astute enough to read the room regarding the latest fad. This Goddamned trans nonsense is long in the tooth and on the downslope as far as being the latest current thing.

    The dumbass out of touch nitwit is a female version of the State level politician who has photos on his campaigning flyer of him with his wife and kids in Mexico wearing black socks with Bermuda shorts and a Hawaiian shirt.

  4. “Tomorrow he’ll visit his retired state buddies at Star Bucks”

    I wish. No, I’ll be playing tennis with some libs, good dudes, as long as we don’t talk politics. I’m sure Trump is way ahead of those guys in the polls as well.

    Not that I really care, coming from the guy that said, “I would rather lose without you than win with you”, about the dumbest thing I’ve ever read on this blog, please tell me, what true beliefs of mine were “exposed”?

  5. I’ve said this before. I’ll say it again. The big train wreck is not her fault. She was hired and apparently given free rein by the board of directors. You just don’t hire fucked up peeps to run your marketing campaign. Judging by her school photos, she liked dick. What happened would be an interesting topic. I don’t drink that shit, I really don’t care.

  6. Allisa Gorden Dinkle Heinerscheid is my name too, whenever I go out the people always shout there goes Allisa Gorden Dinkle Heinerscheid tra la la la la la la!

  7. So if it’s okay to refer to a product as “fratty” because it reminds the viewer of fraternity-related activities, can I say that a product that reminds me of a sorority-related activity is “sorry”?

  8. “I wish. No, I’ll be playing tennis with some libs, good dudes, as long as we don’t talk politics. I’m sure Trump is way ahead of those guys in the polls as well.”

    And see there’s the problem. You’ve discounted Trump as a non candidate. Just like Morning Joe, you consider him a joke. That poll you continue to mock was a head to head with two potential candidates, Trump and DeSantes. So it had nothing to do if they had declared or not. Yes or no? You claim you’re independently wealthy. I’m not. I’m certainly not poor, and cash flow is king.The ramifications from that are I pay laser like attention to foreign and domestic policies and how exactly they will affect my bottom line. And Trumps policies, foreign and domestic, are far superior to any political candidate, ever. And mean while your Libtard buddies all think you’re the bad ass rebel, while all the time you snivel about what turns out to be a legit poll. You have no legit point of relevance. That’s the Gods honest truth

  9. Just curious Brad, in what world wouldn’t Trump be leading a poll regarding the republican primary at this point?
    It’s Trump’s nomination to lose.
    The key is to win without destroying allies, friends, women voters & independents along the way.
    Simple as that, yet I do get that you can’t comprehend simple.

  10. Loco, And again you ain’t getting it. This was a head to head poll. No other candidates involved. Regardless of declared or not. Can your little mind wrap itself around that? I didn’t think so.
    It’s highly doubtful we can vote ourselves out of this mess. In which case you will be useless. But the only minuscule little shot we have of voting our way out of this is DJT. And if they can’t straighten out and prevent the fraud, I will not bother to vote.

  11. The first battle is the Republican nomination. Anyone that appears to be trying to position themselves as a candidate, whether declared or not, is a legitimate target. Is Trump perfect? No. Is he a fighter and a warrior? Yes. Trump is not dividing the party as much as those that are not yet backing him are dividing the party. As Trump sees things is that if you’re not on his side, you’re against him. I don’t fault him for that.

  12. Seriously Brad?
    Read what I wrote again.
    I don’t care if it’s Trump vs DeSantis or Trump vs every motherfucker in California.
    He better be winning BIGLY at this point.
    He has the nomination all but locked up.
    Unless of course he fucks up in a very bad way.
    My only issue is how much nuclear destruction he will manage getting to that point.
    Will he pull a Tonya Harding?
    He has the talent to win yet will he lay waste to his reputation getting there?
    I fucking hope not but sadly, I wouldn’t bet on it.

  13. MAGA alone, ONLY-MAGA, et al will mean democrat control until 2028.
    You need massive support to overcome vote fraud.
    If you don’t understand that by now there is no hope…

    “Farewell and adieu to ye fair Spanish ladies, farewell and adieu to ye ladies of Spain”

  14. Do you ever wonder if throwing a bunch of $$$ at brewing a better quality beer was ever a consideration in the attempt to sell more beer?
    Isn’t that supposed to be the point of their existence?

  15. Liberals = Only for Me But Not For Thee. Your legacy will go down as being the most stupidest corporate mistake anyone can do to their career. Who will hire her after losing the company she worked for $5 billion and climbing. Maybe she can become Mulvaney’s career manager?


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