Posh Tw*t – IOTW Report

Posh Tw*t

15 Comments on Posh Tw*t

  1. Reflecting on what mystaclean said, maybe if the crowd went after the guy and the police were, shall we say, a little slow to react, such events would become rarer and rarer.

    Oh, but those people have rights.

  2. RadioMattM, those loony bin worthy people are the new protected class

    the participation trophy generation & their spawn, all they ever had to do was show up, wear the costume/uniform, & smile for unearned success
    annnd a huge % have been/are on unnecessary meds since they were 5

  3. Too bad the Taco Bell body-slamming guy wasn’t there …
    The fukkin puke should have been torn limb from limb … slowly …
    After the snooker balls had been shoved down his throat and up his ass.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. The video shows quite a few people standing around with pool cues. Obviously, these folks didn’t frequent the same taverns I did – those pool cues would have been put to better use than just snooker.

  5. I wish I had the money to put a pool or snooker table in my house. Honestly, I think I am an OK pool player, and snooker is another level above. Regardless, anyone who is trying to get attention by doing something idiotic should be put out of our misery


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