A Message To Kevin Bacon – IOTW Report

A Message To Kevin Bacon

Way to totally miss the point, Kevin and Kyra.

No one wants to ban drag, dipshits. No one care that RuPaul was on TV because you and your child could watch it in the privacy of your home if you wished. It’s when it becomes part of the school curriculum and the teachers and administrators say to parents that THEY control your child this becomes a problem.

Shut up and make movies.

26 Comments on A Message To Kevin Bacon

  1. “And you want your children to live a life with as little struggle as possible. You never want bad things to happen. But of course, that’s just not possible.” Kevin Bacon

    The 2 brats of theirs are hers. Turn your kid into a drag queen and see how the struggle goes. Both of the kids are adults, so of course, they make adult decisions.

  2. “No one wants to ban drag.”
    I DO!
    Remember the TV show “Soap” and the Jodie Dallas character played by Billy Crystal?
    It may have seemed innocent 45 years ago but it was a milestone in the downward spiral that homosexuality has taken our society.

  3. Kevin Bacon is a good actor, A Few Good Men and Saving Chance, but he plys his trade in an industry that does not tolerate dissent, so like a good little comrade, he touts the party line with fervor and commitment.

  4. “With all that money wouldn’t you think she could afford a new pair of jeans?”
    she bought them, already ripped. Probably picked through a pile of them to find the ones that were ripped just right. It is part of her costume. She wants to look like what she thinks ‘normal people’ look like. why should I, or anyone, give any importance to someone who puts on costumes and recites what someone else wrote? Our pretendadent does that too, even.

  5. hollywood actors who don’t watch TV? “Rupaul’s drag race”… Hellerrrrrrr? There’s a channel or two devoted to that shit.

    Good to see him and his meth addicted mom are still together, though.

    So glad they’re getting pigpiled.

  6. Yeah Kev, nothing like toeing the Hollywood company line. Assholes are so afraid to think for themselves. Hang out with James Woods, Jon Voight and Kevin Sorbo some time and maybe they’ll knock the bitch out of you and make you open your eyes.

  7. MJA.
    His meth addicted mom..LOL
    Not too far off.
    They did some DNA show awhile back, and it showed that they were 8th or 9th cousins, once removed.
    Not surprising, considering they came out of the incestuous ooze called Hollywood.

  8. They aren’t that bright, they got rolled in the Bernie Madoff debacle. I wish these celebs would just STFU and stick to acting. It makes it very hard to watch anything they are in when we learn who they really are.

  9. Castrato used to be an art form, too. Liberals can bring that back with all the tranny kids getting their balls cut off. They are a bunch of demonic perverts.

  10. In a Country that no longer has the active Draft, how does any male know what it is like to grow into and become a man with nothing but Cartoons and fictional life styles and news media false, degrading narratives and anti-American propaganda being spewed upon you every living minute!


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