In Defense of Reality – IOTW Report

In Defense of Reality

The Federalist

Those of us who fight on the gender ideology front tend to focus on one or two aspects. Some emphasize the danger men pose in women’s spaces. Some advocate the unfairness of men in women’s sports. Some point out the harm of housing dangerous men in women’s prisons. Some highlight the erasure of women in medicine. And many work diligently to stop the mutilation of children.

Each of these battles is important, but those engaged in these small battles must also keep sight of the overall goal: winning the culture war. 

I hear many say if they’d leave the women and kids alone, gender controversy would die down. If males dressed as females would stay out of women’s spaces, they’d be accepted. But there is a much bigger issue here: The most offensive component is the denial of reality. More

7 Comments on In Defense of Reality

  1. We continue to see things go downhill because we have been taught to TOLERATE it from the time we were young, and if we oppose it we will be chastised into oblivion.

    Deviancy is deviancy anyway you slice it. Remember what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah. It’s coming again.

  2. They want the children and it’s not good, at all. Pretty simple really.
    Update: In Oregon there is a bill being voted on that says a 10 year old or older can be chopped off without the parents knowing and if they protest it 10 years in prison. How about that?

  3. Here’s the “And they exchanged the truth, for a lie”.
    Since there is nothing new under the sun, perversion has been around since the beginning of man.
    We will be fighting this until Christ returns.
    I’m not saying give up or slack off in the fight.
    I’m just saying how long the fight has been. How much longer it will go on..Only God knows.
    So, we pick up our sword and battle on.


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