MTG Humiliates Randi Weingarten – Outing Her as Nothing But a Political Activist – IOTW Report

MTG Humiliates Randi Weingarten – Outing Her as Nothing But a Political Activist

Humiliation is good. How about some head rolling?

Here is Aunt JeJamie entering “evidence” that Randi was PRO school-opening.

Don’t believe your lying eyes, believe Raskin because he is quoting opinion pieces from the New York Bible Times.

This was 3 years ago

This is one year ago–

Was writing in the Bible that schools should be open while saying on shows that schools should be closed?

Seems so.

18 Comments on MTG Humiliates Randi Weingarten – Outing Her as Nothing But a Political Activist

  1. Great speech by MTG but she missed the whole point. The dykes job was not to look out for schoolkids but to look out for school teachers. Fuck the students. Quite a difference there.

  2. Why is ANY PARENT willingly handing their child over to the government still? Seriously. What is it going to take?? Don’t your precious children deserve to have you protect them from these criminals, pedophiles, cheaters, etc and the toxic environment they create in government schools?

  3. Why does this woman ALWAYS look like she’s having trouble releasing a giant fart?

    htt ps://,+yelling&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi3mc3x5cr-AhVPJkQIHewOAB0Q0pQJegQICxAB&biw=1600&bih=753&dpr=1

  4. it’s amazing. On this site MTG gets support. On another site (won’t say which one) the primary author attacks MTG (though the primary author is one of those whose anti-Trump bias is very clear).

  5. I still want to know what Randy Weingarten was hiding a few years ago, about MI schools, that a dirty judge prevented James O’Keefe/Project Veritas from releasing.

  6. fargin faggots that got “omicron” got this season’s flu…. phuvck em. The most ill people I know are all vaxxed….

  7. @Anon

    I suspect it’s the “Dorian Grey” effect. All the evil thoughts and acts a liberal has committed change the outward physical appearance, making them super ugly as they age.

    As evidence, I give you Ted Kennedy, Jerry Nadler, Wormgarden, Adam Shitfer, too many others to list.

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