Hate to Kick a Man While He’s Down, But This is Newsworthy – IOTW Report

Hate to Kick a Man While He’s Down, But This is Newsworthy

Steven Crowder’s life right now needs a bit of dust-settling. He needs to regroup, calm down and protect his brand.

He’s a talented guy, but he’s seemingly a bit Nixonian, to put it mildly.

Hope he gets it together.

Crappy Story HERE

36 Comments on Hate to Kick a Man While He’s Down, But This is Newsworthy

  1. Yowsa.
    I saw a dust up between him and Candace Owens on Twitter awhile back. Why are these two fighting?!? Same team guys…same team!

    After reading this Substack about Crowder that interaction makes a lot more sense. Volcanic anger doesn’t sound like something easily fixed or anything anyone should tolerate or be around. I hope he figures out what’s important.

  2. Why can’t they afford two cars?….She can take her lovely pregnant self to the grocery store and buy the groceries to cook him some food and he could go drive to the cliff that he desires to drive off….

  3. All I can think of is him playing Stephanie to Not-Gay-Jared’s character at the Women’s March in DC after the 2016 election. Is this the same person? Is this an organic imbalance of some sort that is not his deliberate fault?

  4. I find it ironic that he is the victim of the same tasteless dick-move act that he perpetrated on Jeromy Bohring of The Daily Wire, secretly taping someone without them knowing about it.

    It is a shame that they have a troubled marriage but I will say this, when one party is aware of the taping, that party will always be on their best behavior so this exchange, although revealing of Crowder’s abuse, may not be accurate of his wife giving it right back to him.

  5. While I won’t defend his words here, having been married to a psychopath / sociopath for 16+ years (divorced for almost 20 years now) I will say that there are two sides to every story including this one. She very well may have said (and did) things far worse to him than what he said to her in this brief video. Sociopaths like nothing more than to agitate and push someone’s buttons until they get push back, and then paint the person on the receiving end as the abuser when the opposite is true. Maybe both of them have issues they need to deal with.

    And like Willys said, judging by their humble abode, it’s not like they can’t afford 2 vehicles.

  6. I used to really like Crowder, but I’ve read some of the transcripts, and if they’re true (and unfortunately, they really seem to be), then he really is a mean nasty son-of-a-bitch.

  7. He was a child actor. That would warp a personality.

    I used to enjoy his show until that tall, bigoted sidekick joined it, then Crowder started getting petty and mean. He seems to be spiraling into darkness. I hope his therapists are up to the challenge.

  8. So, why did she live with him all those years? In this day and age, not many women tolerate abuse, especially where she can bribe him with threats of recording and revealing the abuse. Which one would be more lucrative to her?

  9. Sounds like he got too big for his britches.
    Fighting with employees, Daily Wire and his wife.
    There are 2 sides to every story but if Crowder is so innocent, why haven’t his family members spoken up for him?
    He was a dick in that Ring video.

  10. It seems as though the video is only a portion of their discussion. sItounds like the observers are only getting a part of what was going on and both of them seem to be abusing the other.

  11. LBS,

    No issues.
    In almost EVERY CASE I have found that Americans are much friendlier &
    respectful than most Canadians.

    I have a few theories:
    Too much immigration makes people TRIBAL.
    Free Healthcare & Too many Benefits makes people ENTITLED.
    Thinking NO ONE is ARMED Emboldens a lot of IDIOTS
    WEAK criminal sentences encourage Bad Behaviour.
    Living in Cities Makes You Ugly.

    Every time I get into the Country/Forest those Canadians are MUCH NICER

  12. Re: Crowder

    I liked his SHORT Y-tube skits when he was less known.
    I never thought HE would translate into Long segments well.
    The Gun Strapped under his shoulder in his own studio seems a bit much when surrounded by FRIENDS. BUT I get that he is VERY 2a.
    He always seemed Volatile to me. I prefer Thomas Sowell type conversations.
    Personally, I think he is having some issues with Roid rage & HGH. I’m not 100% on his time line but: Anger, Bulking up, Heart event, Attitude Shift, etc.
    And then the conservatives started fighting, mostly about Money. I have no Idea what was fair value but he seemed to think he was much bigger than the reality. (Not sure) Looks similar in his personal life.

    The Video:
    My God, she is visibly VERY PREGNANT.
    This guy only has 1 Car?
    Take an UBER YOURSELF.
    Missing his kids births. (article)

    I wouldn’t get along with him either.

    If she was my daughter, He would have tasted a Louisville Slugger at the Dining room table…

    Part Ways, & Get Over it.

  13. I can see the domination of his staff and guests when I’ve watched the show. Man he interrupts everyone more than Hannity. I had wondered what happened to Dave, hell they were doing shows together just a little while ago. A little of that goes a long way.

    What I do miss in the mornings when I work out at home, is viewing last night’s Tucker.

  14. During that period he was going through some serious medical issues where his life was in jeopardy. His rib cage was deformed and was crushing his heart. They had to break apart his ribcage and rebuilt it. I imagine he was on some pretty strong pain killers and cortisone, which turns the nicest person in the world into an asshole.

  15. I liked him so much I once sent money and got a mug!
    I read somewhere he had one or more life threatening health issues.
    He did the voice of “the Brain” on “Arthur” which we watched religiously in the kitchen during/after dinner when kids school age. I get the 2A thing but yeah the pistol there all the time–I thought it was just his defending 2A. Crowder a personal favorite I’ve not watched in sometime and I’m saddened she took this secret video. He had shown her a couple of time I’d seen her and she was just quiet in passing through whatever he was showing us. Prayers for Steven as he was a real favorite of mine.

  16. Goldenfoxx,
    That’s what I was thinking. If Steven has deep seated narcissist anger issues, my experience is the longer you’re in that kind of relationship, it would have shown itself BEFORE the marriage She must of at least at a clue about him BEFORE she said, I do.

  17. Just started watching Steven and Jared in Detroit 7 yrs ago. Steven was opnely anti lihad. I wonder if or how much threat he may be living under and the associated stress. In that video on the dash cam map is his little turbaned head! Probably threatened and reason for his staunch 2A all the time?

  18. When you read about this stuff and then watch the David Landau interview where he tells why he left the show you can’t help but think Crowder is a little strange.

    He burnt the Daily Wire bridge based on what he said over and over was an abusive contract. You should see the Landau contract. I think the child-laborers at Nike have a better deal. His level of paranoia over someone possibly stealing his thunder is weird. There was an unwritten rule that when riffing, Crowder gets the last word in. No funny one liners by anyone else that closes the rants. And he had a lightbulb he would switch on to tell all the other talent to be quiet. That isn’t altogether a bad system, but the weird part is that Landau said it wasn’t always there, and when he asked if it was because of him, that maybe he talked too much, Crowder claimed the lightbulb was always there. Landau says that that is a big part of his personality- he gaslights as breezily as ordering lunch. I still think he is entertaining, but when stuff like this happens it is hard to see people the same way. And he did this stuff to himself.

  19. not being there for birth of his twins is one thing he’s being bashed for–I didn’t want anyone around me while giving birth, dad could be in room but didn’t need to be if he didn’t want to

    I am trying hard to stick up for Steven Crowder as I liked him so much!

  20. Given the euphoric glee that the MSM gets in pig-piling anyone on the right, a genuine display of contrition on his part would go a long way in keeping his audience.

    We need guys like Crowder relevant, telling uncomfortable truths, and poking the establishment bear.

  21. I can only speak for myself, there was a time upon my return stateside after 22 months in Vietnam that darkness, anger, pressure, bitterness and a foul personality overtook me.
    My wife and my eldest daughter (a baby at the time) saved me from myself. My wife could have left, and some counseled her to do so.
    She stuck it out for several years praying for me with her hands on my shoulder at night when she thought I was asleep. I was hard headed and hard hearted. She loved me when I didn’t love myself. Over time, I returned to my pre-military personality without the baggage I brought home.
    I have since told her several times, she and my 1st baby daughter saved my life. It takes an extremely strong woman with a forgiving heart to save a man she had known previously and was better than he was.
    Grateful doesn’t even begin to fully express the past 50 years that I was given.
    Crowder is better than the man reflected in the video, I hope he too can become the person he once was, without the stress, pressure and baggage of the past.

  22. @BFH
    Several years I set fire to the bridges of my life, before I attempted to cross.
    Although singed and sometimes burned by the crumbling bridge engulfed in flames, I always made it through. It was the excitement and adrenaline I previously experienced and lacked in my later life.
    Self destructive? Yes. At my own doing? Yes.
    Was I worth saving? Yes, my wife, Mom and Dad thought so.
    I proved them right.

  23. I’m not defending him, but she seems to be playing to the camera. It just looks like a setup by her. She seemed far too docile and reasonable considering how he was acting. I’d like to know the other side of this relationship. I suspect they are both insufferable assholes and she decided to get the upper hand with this video. When you walk into a divorce court, this kind of ammunition goes far.

  24. Excellent comment, Cato!
    My wife also saved me. I consider her my queen. Gorgeous and smart – two great combinations and I love her with all that I am because she is the one who I spent my whole life looking for.
    But people are human and if I’m tired and grouchy from grinding through several cities with my job and some harsh words get tossed around, I immediately tell myself…
    ”Sure. Go ahead. Turn up the heat. You can be right! You can ruin it all now just to be RIGHT and win the argument!
    But keep it up and you could easily drive her away too …and she’ll be gone.
    And she’d have no problem finding another man. Is that what you want?
    Yep. You would be alone…but at least you WON!
    Happy now?”

    It puts things into perspective right away.


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