Why Tucker Carlson is Necessary – IOTW Report

Why Tucker Carlson is Necessary

Nobody eviscerates a hypocrite and a liar better than Carlson.

Here is a flashback to Rob Reiner appearing on Tucker’s show to explain how bad Russia is and how we are “at war” with them because of their “meddling” in our election.

Watch Carlson make Rob Reiner wish he could pull a fire alarm and run-

114 Comments on Why Tucker Carlson is Necessary

  1. Beware those especially enthusiastic crowds that would pressurize that atmosphere attempting to get Tucker to make some immediate move. These crowds are not your allies and may have exactly the opposite ulterior motives. As was already stated earlier . . . it is going to be a hot summer. Chill.

    Not being on air anywhere right now makes not one iota of difference for one year from now.

    The above is for the readers knowledge base. Tucker already knows this.

  2. Hatred of Trump sure does create strange bedfellows, wouldn’t be surprised if asshats like Paul Ryan, Rick Wilson, Steve Schmitt, or a few Bush’s were also investors.

    @Rook Rest

    FoxNews will keep Tucker on ice and out of the public discourse until the next election, they can’t risk a Trump win.

  3. “put on your Little Mermaid DVD,”

    And you wonder why I want to beat your ass. Stand up like a real man and say that to my face. Or are you just pissing in the wind. I’m so old school, you’ll never understand me. Was that a threat? Nope, if your bad ass you have nothing to worry about. It’s the way men use to settle differences. One out of three things will happen when you, I, and Loco finally meet and tear down that cloak of anonymity. Either you’ll be polite to me. Or we will start swinging. You may kick my ass. I might kick both of yours. But at the end of that fucking day, we will understand each other. Sorry, when it all boils down, that’s what it comes to. I’m tired of your little girl insults, name the time name the place. Make sure your bitch is there. You two have the advantage. This is not a treat of violence, never has been. It’s a quest for truth. Lets do it. I’m sure we can get someone here to film it.

  4. “we will understand each other.”

    I understand you just fine; you can’t take a joke, you are thin-skinned, and in the arena of ideas you can’t compete so you threaten physical violence. Sorry, my fighting days are over, I retired to avoid the physical scrapes. But you keep on thundering away, it is the only arrow in your quiver.

    Good thing I didn’t go with what I originally, wrote,”your My Little Pony DVD”.

  5. Loco
    You’re a superior athlete. You’ve said so. Come beat my ass. I’ve fucking had it with you two morons. Let’ expose the truth. Old school, like real men. You’ve insulted me five ways from Sunday, I demand satisfaction. I that foreign to you? I would imagine so. Just so you know, I’m fucking pissed at the insults, I have some one here that’s willing to travel to film it, where are your fucking balls? I’m assuming in Rich’s mouth. Fuck it. Lets get this settled. I’m not fucking dealing with anymore insults. I don’t think you get it. Come beat my ass.

  6. And I can guaran-fucking-tee to the IOTW community, this is not going to turn into a 100-comment slap fest. I DVR’ed Woostock Directors Cut on TCM this afternoon and I plan on re-living my teenage years.

  7. “I understand you just fine; you can’t take a joke,”

    Waiting for the joke Rich. You two faggots went into great detail last night how looney Tunes Brad threatened you two pussies after I was off line. Cowardly shit bitch. I would not have done that to either of you. Your both fucking weak sisters and I’m pissed. Name the time, bring your metro sexual asses there and beat my ass. I can take a beating. Try and be men.

  8. Brad, you need to learn the difference between insults and jokes aimed at your expense, they are worlds apart. One is clumsy, crude, and pedestrian. They are used for those of limited intellect and imagination. The other is more of an art form, it takes practice, delivery, and timing. Loco and I prefer the latter but I have no doubt you could be good at it, someday.

  9. “Seek help for your rage Brad”

    Where are yo tuff guy. You’ve insulted my training routine, you’ve insulted everything about me. Are you a man? I’m 66. This should be pretty easy for you. Fucking show up pussies. I fucking demand satisfaction. Yo started this, see it through. Like Marvin Gaye says, let’s get it on.

  10. Loco, I read an article last week about that couple that is on the Woodstock cover, they are still together. They are a bit older than me but I have such fond memories of the music.

  11. Rich Taylor
    I see, now it’s all ha ha. fuck you weak sister. You’ve gone to far, man the fuck up and come kick my ass. I’ve had it with you two butt buddies. Hey Rich, your an idiot, you chose poorly.

  12. “As for last night, we were simply enlightening a fellow iotwer of your threats.”

    I get it. Your a champ, a bad ass mother fucker, come kick my ass. Let’s arrange this. I’m fucking serious. Decide where. I’ll pay for your unemployed ass to get there. I’m absolutely fucking done with you two faggots. And I could give a shit less about this community now. I don’t think you understand. You’ve crossed MY line.

  13. “I see, now it’s all ha ha”

    Crickey, you still don’t get it. It has always been ha ha for me. I don’t get upset or angry or fly into a rage with blood vessels popping out of my forehead risking a coronary. Whatever jousting I indulge in now is purely of a verbal nature. I hope to live a long time and getting upset over stupid shit is counter to that goal.

  14. Speaking of last night Loco, I brought up a story about DeSantis traveling to Israel to sign a State of Florida bill regarding the restriction of 1st Amendment Rights. You accused me of being an anti-Semite for doing so. You suggest that I was relying on leftist sites to make my point. Here is a story from a site, clearly not leftist that describes DeSantis on this trip trying to take credit for moving the Israeli capital to Jerusalem.


  15. Brad, Rich wrote this last night:

    “Brad is a popular personality here, I get it. He beat cancer, he talks about guns and working out and beating people up, and those are all alpha male qualities that people gravitate to. I just wish that we could keep things more civil, more even-handed, and dispense with the vitriol and the personal attacks which gets us nowhere.”

    Hardly incendiary, worthy of a fight.
    Good grief!
    Get a hold of yourself man.

  16. Yes joe6, not a leftist site, just a biased for Trump site.
    “collapsing at home, he claims he moved”
    Lies lies lies, bias, lies, yeah…

    DeSantis NEVER claimed HE moved the embassy.
    Total bullshit, he never claimed that.
    How could he? Why would he? He never stated that.

    See, the link itself is a flat out lie.
    Plus the bashing gives it away. They can’t help themselves.

    He said he cajoled & encouraged Trump.

    Once again I must fact check on iotw.
    Happy to help get the facts straight.

  17. Loco
    What the fuck asshole? You’ve insulted me five way from Sunday and here’s the issue. I’m an old fuck, with old school values. Something you may have a hard time understanding. Name the fucking time and place, bring your bitch, and come kick my old ass. That’s where were at. Done.

  18. And another thing, Loco. Just because I might criticize DeSantis for flying to Israel to sign State of Florida legislation that restricts 1st Amendment Rights, that does not make me anti-Semitic. You absolutely owe me an apology!

  19. As for the Florida bill, if you paint a swastika on a Synagogue it’s not just graffiti, it’s a hate crime.
    The left forced laws like this after the BLM riots.
    I don’t like hate crime laws but that genie is already out of the bottle.
    The left thought that they would only be used for White on black crime.
    Nope, new rules of engagement means we must play by those rules and be proactive.
    I’m glad conservative lawmakers can see this and you aren’t in charge to ignore it.

  20. “Crickey, you still don’t get it. It has always been ha ha for me. I don’t get upset or angry or fly into a rage with blood vessels popping out of my forehead risking a coronary.”

    Bull shit. Your a button pusher. And you’ve pushed enough of mine.

  21. joe6pak

    Your wasting your time. No one but that dumb shit thought you were antisemitic. And while that dog and pony show is going on they’re excluding Christians out of certain parts of Israel.

  22. DeSantis went to Japan, South Korea, and Israel.
    Pre-planned trips for the good of Florida jobs & citizens.
    Many Jews are his constituents that live in Florida.
    Signing a protective bill there is symbolic for a people that have quite a history of struggle.

  23. “I stand by that because of all the bashing of DeSantis being in Israel and the false narrative of the bill he signed there.”

    And what exactly is that precursor? Oh I know, limiting free speech. Once again, you’re a fucking idiot. Research it. And the dumb fuck signed it in Israel who is currently clamping down on Christians. Oh My God Becky.

  24. Still waiting for the explanation as to how it displaces or defiles the 1st Amendment?
    I’ll be waiting forever because you can’t answer that.
    It doesn’t and you know it doesn’t.
    But that’s your narrative and you’re sticking to it.

  25. Awwwwwww, but but but we just can’t live without our daily dose
    bullshit lies. Thats all that gives us purfolk any reason to exist, otherwise we be just lost souls with no purpose in our pitiful lives. I just can’t live anymore without TUCKER,😭🙏💩

  26. “Still waiting for the explanation as to how it displaces or defiles the 1st Amendment?”

    You’re absolutely right. Riki can say what ever he wants. Protected by the First. No matter how fucking stupid it is, or where he says it. Your a fcking moron.

  27. Florida Bill HB269:
    Prohibits person from distributing onto private property any material for purpose of intimidating or threatening owner, resident, or invitee; prohibits person from willfully & maliciously harassing, threatening, or intimidating another person based on person’s wearing or displaying of any indicia relating to any religious or ethnic heritage; requires violations be reported as hate crimes; prohibits display or projection of images onto building, structure, or property without permission; prohibits person who willfully enters campus of state university or Florida College System institution for purpose of threatening or intimidating another person from remaining on such campus after being warned to depart.


  28. “I’ll wait for you to look it up…”

    To funny Moron. Sticks and stones and all that. Actually the burden of proof falls on you commie boy, So we will wait.
    Where’s your bitch? Looks like she split.

  29. All you people need is a real nice relaxing vacation. Like visiting the beautiful & wonderful Grand Canyon National Park. Then when you get right up close to the edge, say your prayers & jump right in.

  30. “This is so beyond rich, a man wants to fight me for expressing words online all the while trying to defend”

    You fucking insult me every chance you get. And then tell everyone what a stud muffin you are. ENOUGH BITCH. Lets get down to reality. No more fucking Key Board Warrior bull shit pussy. I’ve had it, bring the misses.

  31. Can I bring boxing gloves? Rules no hitting the face (cause your both ugly enough) & no hitting below the belt. I refuse to pay for gender reassignment. Absolutely no kicking, ladies.

  32. OK, one last point, DeSantis is the governor of the state of Florida. He is not a national representative in the international community. Why is he sighing state legislation in any foreign country?

  33. That Florida Bill HB269 will be used to shit upon Christians. Praying and handing out leaflets will be a hate crime. Being Conservative will be a crime.

  34. So I belong to a MMA Gold Gym. I texted the owner tonight and asked him if there was an affiliate he could recommend in Las Vegas for a grudge match and he answered back with “Fight Capital”. I got a text from them too. Their good to go.
    Man up you fucking pussies. You owe me this. Time to become men. Name the time and be there. Come beat my ass.

  35. ^^^^^ More weak shit. When we get to Fight Capital I’m not going to hit this little bitch with a closed fist. I’m going to slap the shit out of him. It’s on. Waiting for the bitches.

  36. Brad you need to do a shot or something.
    Unhinged is not a good look…

    Fill your hand you son of a bitch. That’s where we’re at tough guy. Or fade away and shut the fuck up. Either way I don’t care. But I will get satisfaction and you’ve pressed way to fucking far.

  37. Loco, stubborn, hardheadedness is not a good look either. It seems you’re unwilling to acknowledge your error in calling me an anti-Semite. That’s OK, I know where I stand with you.

  38. “Brad, exactly when did I cross the line?”
    Fuck off asshole, I gave you the name of a fight club two blocks away from. Man the fuck up. What? Now your a fucking victim? After all the bull shit you’ve typed about me/ Fuck that, give me a date. I think Richie Rich might have fainted. Better call him up and arrange a date. No more pussy shit.

  39. The muslims are OK talking about killing infidels, and the negroes are OK about killing whitey… but suddenly faggots and other protected classes are protected with furious anger. Justice was supposed to be blind.

  40. I don’t know exactly what you are getting at Erik but DeSantis just took a ton of incoming fire regarding what they called “don’t say gay” bill and didn’t flinch whatsoever.
    He went head on and handed Disney their ass.
    Why do you think he would cave to them now?

  41. All I ask is honesty here.
    DeSantis is an impediment to the coronation of DJT.
    He must be destroyed even if it means leftist tactics and outright lies.
    If folks just admit it I won’t say a word.
    I want this site to be based on truth and honesty.
    Not misleading biased half-truths.

    Posting a leftist or OnlyTrumper’s take/link instead of the actual bill is disingenuous.

  42. I guess a lot of folks here harken fondly back to the days of the BLM riots where they can do whatever the hell they want.
    Run conservative speakers off of campus.
    Invade private property.
    In Florida they don’t want that bullshit.
    Hence the requirement for these laws.
    I’m glad I can see that even if some cannot.
    What can I say, I was born with a very high IQ.

  43. “maliciously harassing, threatening, or intimidating another person” is codified in this communist bullshit.

    It means nothing other than what they want it to mean. This is not Constitutional.

  44. It amazes me that folks are fine with our side getting thrown in jail for ten years if they protest while the left weaponizes protests at will with zero repercussions.
    Hence these laws become necessary.
    Rules of engagement but you cannot see that.
    If you pay attention, you may get it?

  45. What is most fascinating to me is the willingness to destroy a conservative with a bright future in order to preserve the possible presidency of an elderly man that can at most serve 4 more years, as if that will get the job done.
    Short sighted as hell.

  46. This thread was a micro experiment of why it is very difficult for conservatives or repubes to win. The Dems will all join together and get a felonious, dementia ridden pedophile elected as the president. Go vote your choice in the primaries, and then hold your nose for the lesser of two evils in the general. Sad…but that is what it has come to.

  47. God I hope that’s over.
    to Loco and Rich
    you are both insufferable. you make me want to leave IOTW and never return. Get over yourselves. You ain’t converting anyone. Gag me.

  48. How about a pie throwing contest?

    Or a good, old-fashioned, no-holds-barred, insult-slinging American argument?

    Jane, you ignorant slut!

    (If someone bakes the pies, y’all can throw ’em – and I’ll eat ’em! 🤣🤣🤣)


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