What a Stupid World, Courtesy of the Left – IOTW Report

What a Stupid World, Courtesy of the Left

16 Comments on What a Stupid World, Courtesy of the Left

  1. Threesomes are now a gender?
    According to the shirt it looks like it is.
    And the people pushing this ungodly crap are too stupid to see their stupidity.

  2. Look at the diagram carefully.

    Number them from left to right, top to bottom.


    1. Woman
    2. Man
    3. Hermaphrodite
    4. Hermaphrodite with strap-on
    5. Neutered
    6. Woman with double clitoris
    7. Neutered with strap-on on hip
    8. Neutered with strap-on in proper position
    9. Depiction of sexual act between man and woman
    10. Depiction of homosexual act between woman
    11. Depiction of homosexual act between men
    12. Depiction of sexual and homosexual acts between woman and two men

    There. The science is settled.

  3. There are two genders. If you want to claim otherwise and position yourself as a member of some other “gender,” that’s fine – but that is a delusion only you own and you have no right to force alternative psuedo-science on me. I cannot “misgender” you because I don’t recognize anything other than man or woman. (O.k., sometimes I can’t tell the difference if someone is a woman but looks like a man or vice versa, but you get the point).

    Similarly, pronouns are a development in language which, and particularly in the English language, are used to characterize someone by their true gender without having to use their name – which can be cumbersome. You don’t own the English language, and since the LGBTQ community just makes up different “pronouns,” that is just your thing and nothing to me. I don’t recognize “xir” or any other made up “pronoun.”

    This is how the overwhelming majority of the people in this country operate, and if this causes you distress, I pity your life.

  4. Oh, my, my, my… we get to live in the dumpster fire these people have made. Why are we living in a dumpster… and why did they set it on fire? It didn’t used to be a dumpster, a little rough, but not a dumpster… who taught these people how things work? Why do they use these symbols? Couldn’t they be a little more creative with their bullshit narrative? We good, you bad, nazi! Nazi! Imagine! The vast majority of the community would very much like to put the freaks back in the closet where they belong. We used to have closets in the time before the leftists made things into a dumpster, then set it on fire…


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