12 Year-Old Kid Speaks To School Board About Genders – IOTW Report

12 Year-Old Kid Speaks To School Board About Genders

A 12-year-old in @MiddleboroughPS was sent home from school and told he’s making people feel unsafe for wearing a shirt that said “there are only 2 genders.”

Here’s his response:

11 Comments on 12 Year-Old Kid Speaks To School Board About Genders

  1. I wonder if any of the board members actually realize that a 12 year old kid called them stupid and ignorant, and then backed that up with facts and logic.

  2. Yet nothing will change…

    They don’t care what the majority thinks. They are in power and believe their view is superior, facts notwithstanding. They are focused of feelings that they, with or without understanding, are forcing kids to not only believe, but follow without question.

    One has to wonder if they really know how much they’re messing with the new generation of Americans. The ones convinced will have no means to support themselves, unless (of course) they work in government…

  3. The Maine Dept of Education has come right out and said emotional “learning” is more important than academics.
    In response the Catholic school down the street put on their sign that they believe in strong academics.

    This kid wasn’t expressing an opinion. He was stating fact. Biblical and scientific.

  4. “Yes, but he is only 12 years old so he is not mature enough to know about such things. He is, however, old enough to undergo gender reassignment procedures without his parents’ consent”

  5. Yet another example of the sixties at work. First they came to offend me, next they told me what to think and say. I hope this kid continues to upset the teachers!

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