Yes, We Are Trying To Mind Our Own Business, You Dumb ********* – IOTW Report

Yes, We Are Trying To Mind Our Own Business, You Dumb *********

These activists have the nerve to say “mind your own business” as they try and tell you what to think and say.

I am sure this kid is going to appreciate being memorialized on social media with his gay father puppeteering him.

28 Comments on Yes, We Are Trying To Mind Our Own Business, You Dumb *********

  1. I wouldn’t say “he changed his gender”. I would say, “he was born male, he will die male, and if archaeologists dig his bones up a 1,000 years from now his skeleton will still be male”.

    Chubby herpetic lip boy needs to STFU. His faggot father, too.

  2. I saw a meme where it said, “if you think you are the opposite of the gender you were born as, you have a mental illness. If your mother [father] believes that you are the opposite of the gender you were born as, your mother [father] has a mental illness.

  3. $10 says that “dad” smeared peanut butter on his knob for the dog and likely carries on some variant of that for the kid.

    Yet, child protective services has been weaponized against parents who don’t call their boy a girl.

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  5. After watching the video, I honestly still don’t know if that is a boy or a girl. What I do know is much time was spent by them trying to change the construct of language and definitions to serve an agenda, then the rest of us are told to bug off and “mind our own business.” Odd.

    More odd is the idea that a person needs to “Identify” AS something. Really?
    I don’t need you to tell me what you are. You are a human being and either a Male or Female, Man or Woman. That does not require a declaration on your part and a confession on my part. It’s an obsession with Self that we are seeing from these people.

    The important question in life should be “with whom do you identify?” I identify with Jesus Christ, for one. Ultimately, these queers are only identifying with THEMSELVES, and they demand YOUR CONFESSION as part of the deal.

  6. Did you happen to notice that FOX NEWS and CNN and msNBC are so busy minding their own business this here post-Friday Night Kegger, that they forgot to mention any of the stuff happening all day today and night.

    Thanks Fox and Friends and Leguswammo and msNBC.
    Saturday Night must be all right for something

  7. God makes what this pervert is doing to this child His “business”. The unrepentant perv is destined for a dark, hot Hell for grooming a child to become a deviant and predator.

  8. And the mystery of how Hitler created a nation of brainwashed zealots who run the death camps has been answered.

    It can happen that fast. Had that kid been given 1930’s download of Leftist ideology he’d be spouting racial theory, survival of the fittest, “the master race” and ended with a fervent “zeig heil”.


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