You Can Do Whatever You Want To the American Flag – But Don’t Dare Defecate on a Gay Pride Flag – IOTW Report

You Can Do Whatever You Want To the American Flag – But Don’t Dare Defecate on a Gay Pride Flag

Manhunt in progress!!!

At an outdoor cafe, in the early morning, an idiot took a small gay pride flag and set it on a chair and dropped a deuce on it. He took another one to clean himself up. Guy’s an animal.

But here’s where I get mixed feelings about the incident. It should be at the height of gross and despicable and punishable WITHOUT introducing the element of the gay pride flag.

People, including the authorities, are running around with their hair on fire as if NOW this is an act worthy of a manhunt.

To me that seems like a certain sector of the public has special privileges and has unequal treatment under the law, and now I hope they never find the guy. If I saw the same level of concern when some Antifa azzhole sh*ts on an American flag I wouldn’t feel this way.

Story and Video HERE. (I love how they characterize this guy as “deranged,” but Dylan Mulvaney isn’t.)

30 Comments on You Can Do Whatever You Want To the American Flag – But Don’t Dare Defecate on a Gay Pride Flag

  1. You would think experts in the smells and tastes of other men’s assholes like gays are would be able to track this person like bloodhounds, or maybe even say where he dines from the flavor alone.

  2. Remember in the 90s when they banned smoking in public in San Fran because it’s offensive? You can buttslam your buddy while waiting for the bus, ohh that’s not offensive at all. You can smoke the bologna pony, but not a fuckin Marlboro? What’s wrong with people!

  3. ecp AT 8:34 AM
    ‘What’s wrong with people!’


    But they choose me of their own free will.

    And then I tell them there’s no going back once they tasted each other’s shit.

    It’s a lie of course, but THEY don’t know, so I teach them to hate the people who can help them and the G..gdd…go…that GUY who says they’re wrong instead, so they put themselves even MORE under my power, even drag others to me.

    It’s very convenient. I’ll get them all in the end.

    In the end and WITH their end, I will end them.

    You people are so weak to your bodies, I don’t know why that other guys even tries.

  4. It’s less than a month now till Pride month. I despise what the left has done to the month of June. June 1st would’ve been my mom and dad’s 71st anniversary, my mom’s birthday is in June, also my sons and my border collie puppy Kirby’s 1st birthday is June 13th. Let’s all save up a great big, stinky steamer of a deuce and shit on every pride flag (fag) we can lay our butts on. And set them on fire to make the stink even worse. Fuck Pride month, you gay bastards have nothing but sin to be proud of.

  5. “you gay bastards have nothing but sin to be proud of.”

    “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”
    Isiah 5:20

  6. Maybe he should have just stomped on it, or spit on it, or burned it up. I remember the left being perfectly happy doing all of those things — and worse — to the the U.S. flag.

  7. He should have done the deed (with flag) on Nancy Pee’s driveway.

  8. In the neighborhood where I’m currently working there is a USA flag that has been defiled by the addition of rainbow stripes where the red and white stripes should be but has the normal blue field with white stars. It disgusts me and I would really like to burn that flag. I don’t care if the degenerates make their own stupid flag but to mock the US flag is wrong.

  9. Dr. Hambone – Eat yer oysters every day –
    They made Jim Beam
    They made Allen Thick
    They made Jonathan Swift
    And they made Gracie Slick
    They made Victor Mature
    And they made Tom Petty
    They started Willie Waylon
    And they got Helen Reddy.
    They made Tom Cruise
    They made Oscar Wilde
    They gave Gary Hart
    But they gave Gomer Piles
    They made William Hurt
    They made Lucille Ball
    They made Wilson Picket
    And that ain’t all.
    Ohh, ohhh… yes it’s true
    What a little oyster can do for you.
    Ohh, ohhh… ain’t it fun
    Here’s some more them oysters done.
    They made Stevie Wonder
    And they made old John Wayne
    They made Saul Bellow
    And caused Thomas Paine
    Turned Clint Black
    And turned Barry White
    Made Doris’ Day
    And Gladys’ Knight.
    They gave Bob Hope
    They gave Percy Faith
    They made Marvin Gaye
    But they made George Straight
    They made Bobby’s Short
    And Lester’s Flatt
    And hey… they even did more than that.
    Ohh, ohhh… yes it’s true
    What a little oyster can do for you.
    Ohh, ohhh… ain’t it fun
    Here’s some more them oysters done.
    They got George Bush
    They made Bozo a Clown
    They got Bobby Bare
    And made Ezra Pound
    They made Gallo Wine
    They made Merle Haggart
    They Made Andy Devine
    They made Jimmy Swagger
    They made Rich Little
    And made Hughie Long
    They made BB King
    And they made Neil’s Armstrong
    And if you ask my wife,
    She’ll tell you quite gaily
    Best of all they made old Pat Daily.
    Ohh, ohhh… yes it’s true
    What a little oyster can do for you.

  10. Unreal that wiping your ass with the globohomo flag is a “hate crime”.

    I used to be accepting and tolerant of faggots, but no more. If they support this kind of bullshit abuse of the law as well as kiddie raping, then to Hell with them.

  11. “I used to be accepting and tolerant of faggots, but no more.”

    Same here, Mule. I’ve said before, live and let live. I don’t care what you do, as long as you aren’t abusing kids, animals and/or beating your wife, then I don’t give a damn what you do and what your preferences are and you’ll never hear a peep out of me….just leave me alone.

    That was then, this is now…getting absolutely sick of this faggy, tranny bullshit that’s being shoved down our throats. I gotta wonder what the obsession is with those groups? If it because they don’t believe in God and is a jab as us conservatives, thinking it will slowly break down our will? Is this part of some scheme of keeping the population down thanks to fuck face Bill Gates, Big Pharma and the government? I look at it from every angle and I still don’t get it.

  12. Addendum to TRF, Did it make Ben Gay, or give Charlie Pride or will Louisa May. Or make Frank Thomas the Big Hurt or give Larry the Bird, how absurd. Does Earvin Johnson have a “Magic” Johnson? And the Flintstones could have a gay old time. On and on it goes and it gets queerer by the day (hey, hey, hey) where no one knows just how weird it will end I suppose.

  13. I’m ordering one asap. I will shit on it, use it to pick up all the dog shit in the back yard, piss on it, read bible verses to it, call it all the usual epithets, wipe my dogs ass with it, run over it. sprinkle holy water on it, then burn it, and no homosuctional on this planet can do a damned thing about it. Happy happy joy joy, welcome to Costco I love you.

  14. They keep saying it’s freedom of speech when a leftist does this to an American flag. Why is it not freedom of speech when it’s done to the rainbow flag?


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