Stray Bullet Hits a Baseball Player in the Bullpen – IOTW Report

Stray Bullet Hits a Baseball Player in the Bullpen

“Demarco Banks.”

Gee, I wonder which college he was about to attend before he shot a guy because of his low-IQ animalistic tendencies?


A stray bullet hit a Texas A&M-Texarkana baseball player as he stood in the bullpen during a game against the University of Houston-Victoria on Saturday afternoon. The 18-year-old was in stable condition at a nearby hospital as of Sunday, after having undergone surgery, USA Today reports. The shooting was the result of an altercation in a nearby neighborhood, and police issued a felony warrant for Demarco Banks, 20, for deadly conduct as well as a 17-year-old male for deadly assault. They believe both men fired their weapons; Banks is believed to have been firing away from the direction of the ballpark, NBC News reports. As of Monday, authorities said Banks had turned himself in but the teen was still being sought.

Police first received calls about the neighborhood shooting, but just moments later, calls came in about the baseball player, who 911 callers said had collapsed in the bullpen and may have been shot. After determining the two incidents were connected, police found spent shell casings in front of a house about 400 yards from the baseball field. 


10 Comments on Stray Bullet Hits a Baseball Player in the Bullpen

  1. Defray the real problem. People with guns are killing & maiming people across America at a record rate. While Chicago stays consistent & the rest of the country is playing shoot em up cowboy.

  2. 400 yards?! Damn! What were these two fine upstanding citizens (/s) shooting at each other?
    Or did the “reporter” drop in an extra “0” and it was really 40 yards?


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