Another Student Confronts Woke School Board – IOTW Report

Another Student Confronts Woke School Board

Keep speaking out! Don’t back down.

6 Comments on Another Student Confronts Woke School Board

    Next district meeting will be interrupted by mental patients screaming, “trans rights are human rights!!!” The spineless board will feel threatened and will only amp up their trans agenda by forcing students to be more inclusive.

    I swear, every single job in this country that has the slightest bit of power has been compromised by weak woke people who will do nothing to be normal. It shouldn’t go so far as students speaking out to do the right thing.

  2. Smart girl. Unfortunately, this story is from my home town, Riverside, California, which is becoming increasingly libtarded. A couple of years ago, the ward in which I reside, Ward 1, elected a raging diesel dyke as council person. The council recently voted to allow “commenorative” flags (AKA: rainbow fag flags, etc) to fly on city buildings by a vote of 5-2. 😡😞

  3. @Clown World
    I live in Ward 1 in downtown Riverside. I am looking at Mt. Rubidoux as I write this.
    It is good to know there’s another IOTWReporter nearby!
    We really have the most useless city council person.

  4. @Agatha Kakalogical
    Representing the IE on IOTW. LOL. Yeah, Erin Edwards is a real POS. Everytime I hear her talking about wanting to, “Put Riverside on the map”, I want to throat punch her. Riverside is on the map. How do you think her fat, carpetbagging ass found it’s way here from Shitcago or wherever she waddled in from.

  5. Oh yeah, EE is a total POS. You better not get between her and a microphone or camera, even though she should avoid both, especially the camera.
    I’ve been downtown since 1996 and in Riverside since 1974. We just got done walking around. It is a beautiful day. Hope you enjoy it!

  6. @Agatha:
    She does love the sound of her own voice and must have some kind of reverse dysmorphia that makes her think she is some kind of super model. A guy down the street runs an email tree and any communications she submits to the email includes a photo of her beady eyed, porcine mug. Ugh! I’ve seen better heads on a boil.


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