Child Abuse – No Other Way To Describe This – IOTW Report

Child Abuse – No Other Way To Describe This

11 Comments on Child Abuse – No Other Way To Describe This

  1. To view this media, you’ll need to log in to Twitter.

    To log in to Twitter, I’d need an account.
    To get a Twitter account, I’d have to sign up.
    To sign up, I’d have to tell them more than they need to know.
    To tell them all that, Elon Musk will have to get rid of 100% of the unconstitutional, unethical, statist, deep state spooks, thugs, and assorted apparatchiks and prove that he’s done so which I doube he will ever be able to do.

    So: no.

  2. some adults scare the bejesus out of a little 3 yr old black kid whose legs start running before he even gets off the couch. He is screaming in fear. The adults are wearing scissorhands and chainsaws. They are unrelentless. They are tormenting him

  3. Can I sign into Twitter although I don’t have an account using Facebook, where I also don’t have an account, or Instagram where I don’t have an account, or TikTok where I also don’t have an account, or SnapChat (is that still a thing? I don’t know because I don’t have an account) or MySpace?


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