Bad News For Biden – Trump Ahead According to ABC/WAPO – IOTW Report

Bad News For Biden – Trump Ahead According to ABC/WAPO

Biden is about 4 points down in a head-to-head matchup against Trump.


A new poll gives President Biden and Democrats cause for concern just as his reelection campaign officially gets going. Biden’s job approval rating has fallen to 36% after standing at 42% in February, the Washington Post-ABC News poll found; his previous low was 37% early last year. The president’s disapproval rating now is 56%, with 47% expressing strong disapproval. Although the economy was in bad shape because of the pandemic when Biden took office, more respondents consider former President Donald Trump to be better at handling the economy, 54% to 36%, per the Post. Possibly most worrying to Democrats, Biden is about 4 points down in a head-to-head matchup against Trump.

It’s not all roses for Trump. The poll found majorities saying he should face criminal charges over the attack on the Capitol, efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election, and his handling of classified documents after leaving office. Although Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis hasn’t entered the race, Trump has about twice as much support at this point. Respondents don’t find Biden or Trump especially honest or trustworthy, but the president comes out ahead on those measures.

At least one Democratic pro was alarmed by the poll results, including Biden’s loss of support among particular groups, per the Hill. “It’s sobering in the sense that the coalition that elected Joe Biden, with the historic numbers that we saw in 2020, that coalition right now is fragmented,” party strategist Donna Brazile said on ABC’s This Week. She said she sent the poll findings to Democrats at her first opportunity—12:02am Sunday. “It kept me up and I thought they should wake up and look at those numbers,” Brazile said. 


LOLOL. Respondents think Trump should face criminal charges, yet they still want him as president. THAT IS HOW BAD BIDEN IS!!!!

14 Comments on Bad News For Biden – Trump Ahead According to ABC/WAPO

  1. Clueless Joe could win with only 10 legitimate votes. The GOP was party to the steal to get rid of Trump, and they NEVER did a damn thing to address the now-entrenched vote-rigging mechanisms in the critical states. The whole thing is just a joke.

  2. @ MrLiberty AT 11:05 PM

    The Republican establishment was in on it and Paul Ryan was clandestinely running that aspect of what was transparently a stolen election. It had his finger prints all over it. Biden got perhaps 65 Million legitimate votes, and that is being generous. The Republican establishment hates Trump as much as they hate Constitutional conservatives. There is far more distance between them and Constitutional conservatives than there is between them and their dear friends across the aisle, the Democrats.

    They absolutely cannot be trusted. Period. Full stop.

  3. I’m looking forward to Jesus returning and roasting alive every person involved in election fraud in this country and abroad. Our most sacred right stolen from us. Outrageous taxation with worthless geezer representation. Hold on tight it’s going to happen.

  4. It’s all moot, they will never let the Pedo get close to the nomination. He will be tossed overboard and impeached for high crimes and the cackling imbecile will become ValJars puppet until Manchelle will be coronated in Shitcongo.

  5. “LOLOL. Respondents think Trump should face criminal charges, yet they still want him as president. THAT IS HOW BAD BIDEN IS!!!!”

    No, that’s how stupid voters are. Take your pick, dementia or faggot lover, they’re both the same. Biden can’t help his dementia, Trump can help his love for faggotry. It matters not now, it’s over. We had a Republic we couldn’t keep.

  6. Headlines at CFP:

    Julie Kelly — DOJ is going to put Trump in prison BEFORE his trial, as soon as he’s indicted…

    Trump will (likely) be facing 4 criminal trials next year…

    ‘DOJ plans to keep Trump in prison to stop campaign’…

    So, who does the RNC have lined up to run against Biden or Kennedy? Trump is going to be tied up for a very long time. All charges will be dropped when Trump will no longer be able to run. Aside from assassinating him, the later is the better option. I’m actually finding it all entertaining.


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