It Wasn’t Indecent, It Was In Decent – IOTW Report

It Wasn’t Indecent, It Was In Decent

Judge David McNamee cleared a biological man who identifies as a woman for indecent exposure because he is too fat to have his genitals exposed.

Too Fat.

Legal Insurrection-

The ruling only hit major outlets on Sunday. It quietly went through Ohio a week ago:

In a decision filed Friday evening, McNamee said there was “little dispute as to the facts of the case.” He noted that the Executive Director of the Fairborn YMCA, Jacqueline Brockman, testified that Glines was authorized by herself and other employees to use the women’s locker room at all Greater Dayton area YMCA facilities, including the Xenia location.

“There is no question that [Glines] was in the women’s locker room. However, [Glines] was not charged with trespass, nor was [Glines] charged with being in an area of the YMCA where [Glines] was not supposed to be. Quiet [sic] simply, the facts do not exist to support a find of guilt, as charges,” McNamee wrote.

In a statement release Monday, Glines’ attorneys said the facts and law were on Glines’ side “from the beginning.”

“It’s unfortunate not only for her, but for the entire community, that the filing of these charges ever occurred. We are grateful that the rule of law and the truth prevailed so that Ms. Glines and the community can move on in peace,” Lauren Dever and Keara Dever, attorneys for Glines, said in a statement.

There have been three complaints against Glines since 2021. In one complaint, a woman said three juvenile females were there during the incident.


ht/ woody

16 Comments on It Wasn’t Indecent, It Was In Decent


    “Judge David McNamee cleared Glines of indecent exposure after agreeing that the size of her belly meant it would be impossible for anyone to see her penis.”

  2. So to clarify, a biological man can go into a womens locker room, and check out all the naked women and girls, as long as he identifies as a female his penis is not visible? That’s one hell of a precedent.

  3. calling BULLSHIT on this ‘judge’

    “at least three people complaining that they saw a ‘naked male in the female locker room.’ “

    now, how the Hell did they know it was a ‘male’ if they didn’t see the dangly bits?
    this clown ‘judge’ should be impeached & kicked in the nuts thrown out

  4. “Here’s the best birth control in the whole world, if you really, if you have no pills, if you have no diaphragm, if you have no other form of contraception. Use it for ladies, if he comes at you with that little thing in his hand, just laugh at it. They can’t deal with it, OK, it’ll be gone.”

    Robin Williams


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