Snake Pneumonia – IOTW Report

Snake Pneumonia

10 May 2023 PM Show – Dr. Bryan Ardis: Bioweapon Death Toll, Miscarriage Rate – Biden Money Laundering: Beginning of the End for the Biden Family?

4 Comments on Snake Pneumonia

  1. With the totally corrupt DOJ and its totally corrupt subsidiary FBI, who’s gonna lower the boom?
    The electorate has accepted (at least) 2 fraudulent elections (Obola’s 2nd and Biden’s 1st) and there’s no indication that they’ll shake off another, so, where’s the “authority” that’s gonna indict, prosecute, convict, and hang these traitors?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. There will be NO uprising of the masses since the liberals have flushed the so-called TOXIC MASCULINITY out of the young American Males so don’t get your hopes up.
    You want proof? Just look at our current military!


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