Run This as a GOP Ad – IOTW Report

Run This as a GOP Ad

10 Comments on Run This as a GOP Ad

  1. Who let the trolls out?
    I have my issues with Trump but damn, a ton of idiotic comments tonight.
    By any sense of reality Trump wiped the floor with CNN tonight.
    Hell, the left is apoplectic…

  2. Any thing leaving weapons behind was a good thing!
    ExPresident 9/11/21 said”Taliban are America’s friends.”.

    Not many Joe votes will change with this. Anti Joe are already anti joe!

  3. So, abandoning the military equipment scheme was still on his mind way back in 2007?

    Still waiting to find out whether by 2020 a deal was made via arranged payment(s), (laundered under the table) for all the billions of dollars in military equipment he left behind in Afghanistan.

    That is, was a deal or discount, made by Biden to the enemy (or others) to leave the equipment behind for an undisclosed payment under the table and have it laundered through one of his more “favored” national contacts and/or “business” associates?

    It does not seem possible that someone like himself (and his lefty controllers) would pass this up and let all that equipment rot in the desert heat.

  4. If anybody belongs in a prison cell it’s your stupid ass current president who’s made millions while employed with the government all his life. Liberals are so damn stupid. Aint that right Mclaughlin?


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