This Is Sad – IOTW Report

This Is Sad

Pacific Pundit
Communist California Democrat Diane Feinstein has finally been spotted for the first time in weeks. She looks like shit and is in a wheel chair, not looking very coherent either.

54 Comments on This Is Sad

  1. Not sad. This woman had a major role in the demise of this country. Let the queers out in Frisco. Made $200 million racketeering. Took away many gun rights. She’s probably too out of it to even be aware of what an evil bitch she even is. I have no pity.

  2. She’s a corrupt old piece of shit. I wouldn’t mind the old, but the corruption makes her a candidate for hell – or total shame before she croaks – and afterwards.

  3. Also responsible personally for prolonging the Night Stalker murders. Ran her mouth on tv about the shoes the killer was wearing…he threw those off the Golden Gate Bridge when he saw it.

  4. I’m neither sad nor happy to see her in that state. I most certainly AM happy that she won’t be around much longer to continue doing the terrible things she’s been doing for too many decades.

    Go home, you nasty old woman! Go home and stew in your own evil juices.

  5. I’ll bet that evil, craven bitch is still packing heat. She always did while denying citizens the right to do the same. Hoping she strokes out in the Senate Chamber on live TV.

  6. Dems have a slim majority in the Senate. They can’t afford to lose their walking dead. Feinstein and Fedderman are crucial to the take down of the country they despise.

  7. “She looks like shit and is in a wheel chair, not looking very coherent either.

    Sooo.. you could have just said she showed up in a wheel chair. Why go on about her normal stuff?


    I second Claudia’s claim we were talkin’ nice stuff about you recently, Burr.

    It was all fast bikes and loose women kind of talk.

    Well, from us guys, Claudia? – not so much. Her halo either changes her words or filters out everything risque.

    Good to see you. Missed your humor and wit.

  8. That she had shingles represents the many layers of hate, corruption, discontent, anti-American, lying, bullshitting, obfuscating, treasonous actions she has pushed, forced, sold to or otherwise thrust upon the patriots of America.

    IMHO, she holds the very same status as Satan himself.

  9. She looks like she is already dead and we know her mind has been gone for some time. And this thing votes on important issues that affect all of us? Preposterous!

  10. Remember way back in 2018 when Fur DEMANDED everyone sign up for gab?

    Yeah…..I was the only one.

    Also, I am driving across the country at some point. All the way to Virginia. To pick up a bike, duh. If anybody has any evidence they need to get far away from, I’m sure I can swing by and pick up whatever you leave on the front porch.

    In other news, I still have that ungrateful wretch of a New York transplant to Flo’ridah baseball puppet. Had it for years. Your illustrious master doesn’t know what he’s missing.

    Friggen’ moon cricket.

    What else…. contemplating getting another shovelhead. I don’t know why. This would be number 5. Maybe I’ll be able to keep this one. Still working on the Westy… Ford pickem’ up truck is still from 1966….

    Couple of new tattoos. Oh! Jimmy Volmer got caught with 5 POUNDS of meth. I applaud his fortitude, just not his marketing skills. So… unless he turns states evidence we’ll not be seeing him for about 238 years.

    Not much else going on. Although I have some pretty cool braids in my Norse beard. I’m the idle rich. The fudge else am I supposed to do beside fritter away my life in relatively harmless pursuits?

    Like this Hitler puppet I’m working on…

  11. Alford, just get a beard trimmer and shave down from your nose over your chin. Take about half of each side that hangs down and braid it.

    Also, you didn’t even ask what I was goin’ to Virginny to get.

    A super tits on fire early 60’s Velocette. Has that big fishtail pipe. The shovel is the same one I always get. pre 1980 FLH. I fix it, I ride it, I sell it… but I am hoping this one I will keep… ahem,.. I’m only human. If some kid has more money than sense I’m always up for helping our nations wayward yout.

  12. @Burr — A Venom, I hope? I guess it’s a safe bet it wasn’t a Vogue.

    Whatever it is, I trust it’s brawny enough to drag Feinstein (in effigy, of course) down a long, long gravel road.

  13. Well…. I don’t know exactly. Could be a Venom…could be a Thruxton.

    Sort of going to be a surprise.

    They all have one big cylinder. Most can go 1oo mph for…well, 24 hours. Very reliable. Worthy enough to jump Snake River canyon?

    Only one way to find out.

  14. Yes, only one way: put Guillermo on the bike and give him a push!

    I’ve never been close to a Velocette; just seen photos and read a bit about their racing successess, Isle of Man TT, etc. Hard-to-achieve combination of rugged and lightweight. I hope yours turns out well!

    Years ago, I thought that fish tail pipe looked awful. Not any more!

  15. Evil refines itself in a person over time, as good does. This is one reason why people want to avoid evil entering their spirit. Allowed to remain, even unintentionally, the evil grows throughout and left long enough becomes very strong and sophisticated. It’s works may be anything from banal to world changing, but never to the good.

  16. Looks like Satan is already chewing away parts of her.

    Maybe it’s the beginning of her punishment to be a Circus grotesquerie pushed around in a wheelchair for all the World to mock?

    “Step right up and see the terrifying half-dead zombie from Hell! Only ten cents!”

    Her staff’ll push her around till she starts to stink.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  17. It isn’t sad, it is pathetic. I have absolutely no sympathy for what she made of herself. The hell of it is, the ugly on the inside makes this shrink to insignificance in comparison.

  18. It’s not sad, it’s a pathetically and patently evil attempt to salvage on more nanosecond of Satanic power.

    Evil is what Demonrats bathe in daily as they require a tub full of innocent baby blood to luxuriate in before they leave the house.

    Her horrid demonic carcass will be pushed around the halls of congress up to the second she meets her Master Lucifer…


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