Judge Wouldn’t Allow Info That E. Jean Carroll is a Bigot and Disgusting Human Being – IOTW Report

Judge Wouldn’t Allow Info That E. Jean Carroll is a Bigot and Disgusting Human Being

Trump was right. The shitstain judge allowed everything into court if it disparaged Trump. He let nothing in that showed the character of the accuser. He said it would be prejudicial. No shit.


The 45th president went on to claim that US District Judge Lewis Kaplan should have allowed more evidence to be presented to the jury, including a dress that his accuser, writer E. Jean Carroll, said she’d worn the day of the assault and may have contained Trump’s DNA.

“The ‘Dress,’ which played such a big roll [sic] early on as a threatening bluff, but which ended up being totally exculpatory, was not allowed into the trial as evidence,” he claimed. “Nor was her cat’s name, ‘Vagina,’ the racist name she called her Black husband, ‘Ape,’ getting caught in a lie on the political operative paying for this Hoax, & much more!”

15 Comments on Judge Wouldn’t Allow Info That E. Jean Carroll is a Bigot and Disgusting Human Being

  1. This tramp won’t get a dime, even she knows that. But money at least from Trump was never the goal anyway.

    It’s all part of the master plan; damage Trump with bad press that will influence/sway those Independents that he needs.

  2. I don’t know that this will take any votes away from Trump.
    But they will try to use it as a disqualification. As they already have tried, with 1/6, the documents raid at Mar-a-Lago, etc.

  3. @LCD

    None of those you list would disqualify him. There are only 3 qualifications for running; natural born citizen, 35 years of age, and being a resident of the US for at least 14 years. He could be a convicted felon and still run.

    Keeping Trump’s name on the front pages, painted negatively for all those low-information voters that glance down at the newsstands when they do their grocery shopping, this is how they will dissuade the Independents.

  4. The D’s know that it’s all bullshit. We all know that it’s all bullshit. And they know that we know that it’s all bullshit. But they’re gonna do it anyways.

  5. That’s what grabbing the wrong pussy will get you, paraded out as a rapist, what better way to put the final nail in his coffin? I don’t believe it happened, no proof. However, we have proof of Trump’s endorsement of gay living which is blasphemy and an abomination to God. That’s what matters to me, I won’t vote for that.

  6. So she was PISSED the Donald Didn’t DO HER!

    Not enough HARD-ON PILLS & TEQUILA in the world to pretty up that STORK!

  7. Guess what this revealed? Real Americans identify with Trump than identify with this idiot’s idiot or any of the other fucking idiots attacking him. Where it really gets interesting is that they can’t figure out why. It was obvious to me when I first started paying attention to Trump, he is to from my economic or social stratum, but he identifies with me. He understands my concerns and shares them. I have talked to people all over the Pacific Northwest and that is what attracts them to him. That and it is obvious that he makes an honest effort to deliver on the promises he has made.

  8. I hope Trump resumes his Presidency and I hope he can exile Judge Kaplan to Pockeestan. Not to sit on their Courts, but to clean toilets with his bare hands.

  9. Big Fur Hat – had to revert back to my little mockingbird. The previous one was of a loose parakeet who flew into Citifield while Cespedes was batting for them (an idiot who liked to wear diamonds on his gold chains) . Hoping to remove some bad juju from the Metsies. By the way, today’s Yogi Berra’s Birthday. Happy birthday, #8 !!!

  10. “Trump2024 or BUST!”

    I hate to be the bearer of bad news @Mr_Pinko, but…….we’re already a bust.

    The military needed to get involved a long damn time ago regarding 2020 election fraud, but it didn’t happen apparently.

    The second title 42 went bye bye they should have arrested Biden for treason and that didn’t happen either.

    Something obvious needs to transpire or we’re as good as kaput as a country. Heads need to roll and we need to get back to basics.

  11. @Tsunami The military was gutted of most patriots by Obama. It was little lesson Obama and his people learned when they fomented the Arab Spring. During the Arab Spring, once the people realized they were hoodwinked to vote Obama’s Muslim Brother pals in, their military stepped in and corrected the election. Obama et. al. were busy taking notes and acted accordingly.

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