Law school graduates turn their backs on New York City Mayor Eric Adams during commencement address – IOTW Report

Law school graduates turn their backs on New York City Mayor Eric Adams during commencement address


Law students graduating from the City University of New York (CUNY) turned their backs on New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) in protest against him as he gave their commencement address on Friday.

Video posted on social media showed many of the graduates standing silently and facing the back of the room as Adams spoke. The mayor also received some boos and shouting.

“We have a lot of challenges, a lot of things that it needs discipline. And just as you see these graduates here, I know what it is to protest,” he said, which was followed by some yells back at him. read more

9 Comments on Law school graduates turn their backs on New York City Mayor Eric Adams during commencement address

  1. Just to be clear, these future slime balls were protesting because the Mayor isn’t woke enough. They were pissed Adams didn’t immediately charge the Marine in the subway death. F*** them.

  2. That group of law school graduates sure looked “diverse”. Was there a single white male in the bunch?

    Speaking of Adams, the speed at which he pivoted from,”New Yorkers have an expectation of safety on our subways”, to,”Another black man struck down in the prime of his life. He was like me. I named my son Jordan. he did not deserve to die”, gave me whiplash.

  3. Xunts will be xunts.. The mayor, the students, reflexively moving toward what ‘feels’ and who is loud about the feels. When it comes down to brass tacks which it inevitably will, self interest will prevail, just as it ALWAYS DOES.

    Preach the gospel loud, long, with vigor, everyone knows people who pray too long and too loud, who’re you trying to convince? From the fruit the tree will be known. We’ve suffered these xunts long enough to have the fruit strewn about to the extent that a forty time arrested multiple time loser with full wanton violence credentials in the midst of ANOTHER attack is subdued by an onlooker, winds up dead and the MAN who subdued him is charged with homicide.

    The fruit of this tree is poisonous, the tree produces poison, the root of the tree is evil.

  4. Missed opportunity. Those who turned their backs should have farted in his general direction. Perhaps they shall have the chance to taunt him a second time.

  5. First take with no information about “why” they turned their backs had me join them because Adams is scum.

    Then I learned they are filthy scum. May a meteor strike them all while they are gathered in one place

    Mojo56 AT 11:25 AM is right.


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