CNN: Durham report is “Devastating to the FBI”  – IOTW Report

CNN: Durham report is “Devastating to the FBI” 

24 Comments on CNN: Durham report is “Devastating to the FBI” 

  1. I’m torn. This report definitely seems like the sort of disinformation our government is supposed to protect us from with its Ministry of Truth, but it’s from government mouthpiece CNN – a key cog in the Ministry of Truth.

    Maybe the narrative is put out there to eliminate the FBI as a part of the too-be-formed later Ministry of Love.

  2. Since we can’t hyet our time back, can we at least get the Media to fall on its sword? Any sword will do.

    They all need to resign and retire from the public sphere.

  3. So what are the repercussions? Will anybody be charged with a crime? Will anybody lose their jobs. Oh hell know. We’ve lost our country to the deep state.

  4. I’m catching a whiff of committee’s. subpoena’s, testimonies, grandstanding, soundbites, the whole works in the air. All resulting in nothing of course.

    Big government’s gotta govern.

  5. When GWB put Herr Mueller in – 22 years ago – Conservatives were “Mad as Hell!” predicting many things like this would happen!
    Right we were!

    I’ve said many times the lefty Hannity is either::
    1. A lying “Bush Republican”. 70%
    2. A Jeb/Joe mental defective. 30%

    Were there any
    “decent” men in the FBI 8 years ago this would never have been!

    Mueller purged the “decent” men many years ago!

  6. and NOTHING will happen to ANYONE….
    No standing….
    National security methods jeopardized….
    Relatives or fellow travelers high up in demoncrat party….
    You know the drill.

  7. This is nothing more than CNN (the mouthpiece) clutching their pearls and proclaiming “Well I never!”

    To that I say, “Wel your mama and daddy did.” 🖕

  8. What was the rush to release this report, long after it became irrelevant? What next? Final Nuremberg report? Kennedy assassination reports? Lincoln assassination?
    Please. Just fucking stop with the phony posturing already.

  9. As James (the traitor) has said, “our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case”. Our problem is that there is no legal authority that would present such a case. We can’t even hope the military can be counted on.

  10. Now let me get this straight. People who were either in attendance on January 6 (or not) were immediately indicted and imprisoned got swift judgement (not Justice) but the criminal Justice traitors at FBI are just now getting the tsk tsk tsk? Naughty boys and girls who still have jobs will be scolded or something.

  11. PHenry
    AT 7:56 PM
    “What next? Final Nuremberg report? Kennedy assassination reports? Lincoln assassination?”

    ..probably, but all redone to blame Trump.

  12. The elements of the two tier Justice System is again to be displayed for everyone to see.

    The DHS, DOJ, ATF and FBI, to name a few, are corrupt and should face prosecution.


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