Miller Lite Caught Pandering to Feminist – IOTW Report

Miller Lite Caught Pandering to Feminist

Fox News

Miller Lite’s pro-women ad from March went viral on Monday as conservatives blasted the video as woke, with many drawing parallels to Bud Light’s current marketing controversy. 

However, Miller Lite released a liberal ad campaign around the same time period that has recently gone viral for alienating beer drinkers.

In an ad celebrating Women’s History Month, Miller Lite used comedian Ilana Glazer to condemn the bikini-laden women beer ads of the past. More


‘Women shouldn’t be forced to mud wrestle in order to sell beer’: Miller Lite trashes its 2003 ‘Catfight’ ad as it hits back at critics over its apology for using women in bikinis to sell beer – as Trump adviser slams firm

  • Molson Coors, which owns Miller Lite, was quick to defend the ‘ridiculousness’ of its advertisement
  • The company put the campaign out in March, before Bud Light’s now infamous link with Dylan Mulvaney 
  • It apologized for using bikini-clad women for several years, featuring models such as Pamela Anderson, Sofia Vergara and Tanya Ballinger 


Which is more offensive to women –


23 Comments on Miller Lite Caught Pandering to Feminist

  1. Sex Sells. Always has, always will. I pay attention to sexy women or at least when they used to be on every commercial. I loved seeing sexy women dressed up and feminine. I change the channel when some bearded, tatted, terrorist wannabe comes on. Same with black ads. I refuse to be guilted into buying something.

  2. Nobody forced women to do anything to sell beer!

    What a crock of bullshit. My guess is that women were lining up to get skimpily clothed and handsomely paid to sell beer.

    Some women look good skimpily clad and are proud of it.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Rarely, if ever, have I seen an ad and been all like, “yea, I gotta have that!” However, there are ads I will watch that include good looking women. Then there are ads I won’t watch that include faggots, trannies and multiracials performing some act that I’m supposed to be celebrating on their behalf. It’s like watching TeeVee and all the sudden 2 dudes are locked lips that has nothing to do with the plot, Instant OFF. That’s just disgusting, I’d rather see someone eat dogshit.

    The Miller ad says “women were AMONG the very first to brew beer..” Since there are 2 genders, that makes them last to brew beer, or at best the first WITH men. I don’t see how that’s supposed to be interpreted as an accomplishment that lays with only women.

  4. What’s the old saying?

    “I never went to Bed with an ugly Woman….But I’ve woken up with a few”

    The other old saying “Even Bad Publicity is Good Publicity” is also out the


  5. A woman hating on other women because they are more attractive is not a good look, Miller Lite.

    Sure, they dress it up as liberation feminism, but deep down it’s jealousy of the ugliest sort.

  6. Yes, for many years women were primary beer brewers. Beer or ale were a part of the diet – given that the water in usually larger population areas was unsafe to drink. But the fact that women brewed most of the beer had nothing to do with feminism; it was probably due to the fact that women were better at food preparation.

    Fast forward a few centuries, and particularly due to better sanitation beer became more of a social drink. Companies were formed to brew beer commercially, and eventually they figured out men were their best customers. Men like to look at women and sex sells, so thus the use of scantily clad women in ads became more prevalent.

    My problem with the Miller Lite campaign is that progressives attempt to impress a modern day “woke theory” on the past. Progressives try to make people believe that things they think are “evil” were always considered evil, and that simply isn’t true. For example, in feudal times the system was based on “strong, stronger and strongest,” and men were (and are) simply stronger. Western civilization progressed from strong, stronger and strongest to more representative types of government and an ascendancy of the rule of law over the rule of force. The same goes for slavery – it was practiced for centuries (and still is in some parts of the world) and the abolition of slavery in most nations is, historically speaking, fairly recent because we figured it was wrong.

    If Miller Lite wants to continue marketing to the male population, which has the most beer drinkers, they will probably have to continue to use the “sex sells” strategy in some form. Granted it probably cannot be as overt as in the past, but it still works. Otherwise, beer companies will be marketing to members of the population that don’t really drink that much beer.

  7. I thought the old commercials featuring the Swedish Bikini Team were great. I can’t even remember the brand of beer they were selling.

    I’ve been drinking Coors Light recently, but Coors is owned by the same company that owns Miller, Molson-Coors. If Coors goes woke, I don’t know what’s left. Keystone? Maybe.

    Things are really screwed when our beer goes woke. Used to be when US sportsmen travelled up to Canada to hunt and fish, they grooved on non-light Canadian suds like Molson, Labatts, Moosehead, etc., which came in tall green bottles. They had a greater alcoholic content than most US Beers and were associated in their minds with the manly pursuits of hunting and fishing.

    AB and Molson are now promoting its beer to the millions of perverts that have climbed out of the sewers in the last couple of decades. Profit over tradition. Sad.


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