‘Anti-capitalist’ coffee shop in Toronto to close after one year in business – IOTW Report

‘Anti-capitalist’ coffee shop in Toronto to close after one year in business

Here’s a feel-good story from Canada. The Anarchist, an “anti-capitalist” café and coffee shop with a “pay what you can” business model is closing down after a year in business. The operators know who’s to blame for their failure.

22 Comments on ‘Anti-capitalist’ coffee shop in Toronto to close after one year in business

  1. “lack of generational wealth/seed capital from ethically bankrupt sources.”

    …complaining your anticapitalist business failed from a lack of capital –


  2. “Despite its closure, shop owner Gabriel Sims-Fewer called his short-lived business endeavor “a huge success.”

    Hahahahahahahahahaha. What a maroon. Sounds like every progressive lawmaker.

  3. The pitch meeting:

    “Good morning, capitalist pigs! I hate you and want you to die, and my entire philosophy is based on murdering you for your success, stealing your wealth, and giving it to my friends after taking what I want. I intend to make 0 profit that I and my friends won’t take so there will be no return on your investment, and I’m probably going to keep coming to threaten you to keep sinking money into my deliberately anticapitalist business with maybe some threats and protests against you if you don’t cough up.

    So how many millions can I put you down for?


  4. “Despite its closure, shop owner Gabriel Sims-Fewer called his short-lived business endeavor “a huge success.”

    Hahahahahahahahahaha. What a maroon. Sounds like every progressive lawmaker.

    They never accept any responsibility for STUPIDITY.
    They’re never willing to learn anything.

    JoeBiden is their Archtype.

  5. Gabriel FINS-Fewer

    “Fin is for Five
    Give your grandparents a great surprise by calling a $5 bill a “fin”. This was the dubbed nickname for the note in the 19th and early 20th century; a name that comes from the German/Yiddish language. In Yiddish, “fin” means “five””


  6. Sadly, giving anarchy-simply meaning no government (a great idea and principle), a bad name. Anarchocapitalism, the only principle that should govern all societies, even gets bashed a bit in the Zerohedge article. Capitalism (true free market capitalism) is simply two people coming to a financial agreement on a transaction. There is NO arrangement on earth more SUSTAINABLE than that.


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