Tiger Shark Attacks Kayak – IOTW Report

Tiger Shark Attacks Kayak

9 Comments on Tiger Shark Attacks Kayak

  1. Tiger Sharks are the goats of the sea. They’ll eat anything.They’ve found Tiger Sharks with parts of cars in their stomachs. With Louisiana license plates in their gullets. But the best ever, was a compete Knights armored uni. They’ll even eat a Big Fur Hat.

  2. My dad and his buddies made a boat from Corsair belly tanks when they were stationed on Midway Island at the end of WWII. They’d venture into the lagoon and drop grenades onto the sharks swimming below. I have photos of the boat with my dad driving and one of a huge tiger shark they got upon a trailer on the beach. They’d transport it to the chow hall and the cooks would serve shark steaks for dinner.


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