Umps Eject a Player For “Sarcastic Clapping” – IOTW Report

Umps Eject a Player For “Sarcastic Clapping”

18 Comments on Umps Eject a Player For “Sarcastic Clapping”

  1. All I know is he hit like a madman in the college world series both 2010 and 2011… I think he racked up a decent total in 2012 but couldn’t push the team into back to back to back wins..

  2. Clap, clap, clap that joke needs to be gonorhhea. It should be rated VD for either very dumb or very dopey or very deadly. And how do you clap sarcastically in the first place? Can we all clap sarcastically for joey B? Is that what Eric Swallwell got from his Chinese hooker/paramour/spy gal friend? Or was that us from laughing sarcastically at Swallwell for being an idiot and a commie stooge. And are Rat Finks supposed to be sarcastic or outrageous or both.

  3. Baseball needs to change the ejection process at all levels. Umpires throw out players and coaches too often and many times for no good reason. There are some reasons that warrant an ejection but not this BS.
    These ejections may alter the outcome of the game because an ump is too sensitive!

  4. Better to be sarcadtically clapping than mindlessly smacking your arms together at Jimmy Kimmel’s latest “joke” … like a seal at a Sea World show.

    At least the seal gets a piece of fish when he smacks his flippers together


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