Feinstein Doesn’t Remember Being Gone From Senate For 10 Weeks – IOTW Report

 Feinstein Doesn’t Remember Being Gone From Senate For 10 Weeks


A disturbing report in the LA Times details how 89 year old Democrat Senator Diane Feinstein doesn’t remember that she has been absent from the Senate for 10 weeks due to illness.

Feinstein was sick with Shingles and its after effects for over two months, missing 93 votes in the Senate and leading many, even within her own party, to call for her to step down.

Yet when she was asked by a reporter how other Senators have reacted to her return, she was adamant that she hadn’t been anywhere. MORE

25 Comments on  Feinstein Doesn’t Remember Being Gone From Senate For 10 Weeks

  1. Lowell
    AT 12:52 PM
    “When did they change the spelling of Stroke to Shingles?”

    Brought to you by the samw people who changed the 100 year definition of “Vaccine” for no reason other than to give themselves total immunity from prosecution for the kill shot.

  2. 100% – Lies, Fraud, Hypocrisy= PRETENDERS. There are only two kinds of people. Those who seek,love and live the TRUTH and those who don’t. Ma’am Feinstein is a pretender, may God have mercy on her soul.

  3. I thought the old bagster would be dead and buried by now. Maybe they pumped some anti-freeze in her veins, if they were able to find a working one that is.

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