Noam Chomsky’s Financial Ties to Jeffrey Epstein ExposedChomsky’sNoam Chomsky’s Financial Ties to Jeffrey Epstein Exposed – IOTW Report

Noam Chomsky’s Financial Ties to Jeffrey Epstein ExposedChomsky’sNoam Chomsky’s Financial Ties to Jeffrey Epstein Exposed


When Noam Chomsky’s ties to Jeffrey Epstein initially came to light, the ancient academic played coy: “First response is that it is none of your business. Or anyone’s. Second is that I knew him and we met occasionally.”

By “met occasionally,” Chomsky was offering a euphemism for “helped me move around a quarter of a million dollars.” None of his financial dealings with Epstein at that point were public, but now they are.

Via Forbes:

Jeffrey Epstein paid $150,000 to Bard College president Leon Botstein and moved $270,000 for linguistics professor Noam Chomsky, the Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday, shedding further light on the relationship between the late, disgraced financier and major academics, who met with him multiple times after he was a registered sex offender.

Via Business Insider, Chomsky claims his reliance on Epstein’s sage financial advice was all just a technicality (emphasis added):

New reporting from the outlet highlighted that beyond a group dinner with Woody Allen, Epstein helped Chomsky move large sums of money, which the academic said was for a “technicality” related to distributing funds from a previous marriage.

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14 Comments on Noam Chomsky’s Financial Ties to Jeffrey Epstein ExposedChomsky’sNoam Chomsky’s Financial Ties to Jeffrey Epstein Exposed

  1. Chomsky’s another nihilistic totalitarian in the service of Comintern.

    Absolutely amoral.

    Never heard he was a pervert, but it goes with the territory.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. “Epstein helped Chomsky move large sums of money”
    moved money
    probably under the cover of darkness in the dead of the night
    if he had used hunter, he wouldn’t be linguisting his way around today

  3. Epstein was most likely a mossad agent….
    working for the tribe….helping run their intelligence/blackmail operation….

    Oh and….Epstein didn’t kill himself.

  4. The visual of the old, withered, ratty man being serviced by an underage girl (or boy) pegs my creep-o-meter to the red line stob. The old man smell is overpowering.

    Of course it’s none of anyone’s business how many kids the old man raped… back when he could do the raping.

    The entire western elite appear to be a dog’s breakfast of various kinds of (mostly) sexual perversions masked as sophisticated taste. No wonder they’re pushing the queer shit on us so hard.


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