SCOTUS Swats EPA Over Definition of Wetlands – IOTW Report

SCOTUS Swats EPA Over Definition of Wetlands


The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday put another dent in the regulatory reach of the Environmental Protection Agency, ruling in favor of an Idaho couple in their long-running bid to build a home on property that the EPA had deemed a protected wetland under a landmark federal anti-pollution law.

The justices in a 9-0 decision overturned a lower court’s ruling against the couple, Chantell and Mike Sackett, that had upheld the EPA’s determination that their property near a lake contained wetlands protected by the Clean Water Act of 1972. Though the justices unanimously agreed to reverse the lower court’s decision, they differed in their reasoning for doing so. More

11 Comments on SCOTUS Swats EPA Over Definition of Wetlands

  1. All the low hanging/legitimate fruit was picked long ago. Now the EPA tries to justify its existence by issuing ever more onerous, BS edicts. By way of example, my neighbor is currently working in Texas on a project that came to a full stop yesterday because someone found a turtle in a mudpuddle. Can’t move the turtle, can’t even touch it. When it decides to mosey along, work may resume… depending on how long it takes the effing turtle to vacate the area.

  2. @truth – they should put a high velocity fan close to the puddle to dry it up, and lay a line of food outside of the work zone for it to follow.

    Oops – dropped some chips I was snacking on…

    But I suppose it’s too late now that the EPA knows about it. They probably already have a crew on-site to make sure nobody disturbs the thing.

  3. Do they consider the birdbath in my backyard to be a wet land? Nixon gave us the EPA which is far worse and more everlasting than anything he ever did in Watergate.

  4. “Though the justices unanimously agreed to reverse the lower court’s decision, they differed in their reasoning for doing so.”

    IMO all the more reason to celebrate this decision.

  5. The destruction of ‘common sense’ is the liberals’ greatest advantage over society….just look at the ‘mandatory requirement’ for using the ‘proper noun’ when addressing someone that is very lacking in ‘common sense’.

    Everything those bastards do is trickery, lies, deceit or otherwise bullshitty.


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