Squirrel Asks For Water – IOTW Report

Squirrel Asks For Water

23 Comments on Squirrel Asks For Water

  1. Cute!

    Anybody who has watched a squirrel figure out how to get at a booby-trapped and ultra-guarded bird feeder meal will be totally unsurprised that that little guy knew how to get his drink!

  2. That was one might thirsty squirrel. We have a squirrel highway across the roof of my house, from the black locusts on the East side of my house, over the rooftop and onto the large maple trees on the West side of my house. They drive my cat nuts when he hears them running over the top of the house.

  3. @geoff, had same problem until metal roof.
    Shortly after having done I was out raking leaves and heard a strange scratching sound and suddenly a squirrel lands a few feet in front of me. Had a shocked what happened look on his face for a couple seconds and scurried off. Apparently they can’t get traction and I only have a 6/12 pitch.

  4. Jethro, there was a case not too long ago from the Grand Canyon where a little girl got the plague from a dead squirrel. Doctors were of course baffled until the whole story was told by the parents.

  5. You know, when food gets scarce (next year), all you’ll find on store shelves are cans of “Chicken of the Tree” squirrel meat.

    Reminds me of camping at Whipple Dam State Park near Penn State. We’d sit around the campfire eating roasted squirrel-on-a-stick and singing football songs.

  6. bushy-tailed tree rats

    … but, they’re dang cute
    … & I don’t care for the taste of squirrel … even in a stew
    (not much meat on ’em either … gotta get a mess of them to make a meal)

    reminds me of a joke:
    Cannibal walks into the Cannibal Market, checks out the Butcher Counter … got a ‘special’ on for ‘Democrat Brains’ … only $199.99 a pound!
    Cannibal sez, “hey, I can get Republican brains for $20 a pound. Caucasian brains for $10 a pound, Oriental brains for $14 a pound, even Mexican brains for $5.99 a pound … but Democrat brains for $200?!?!? …. what the ?”
    Butcher sez, “you realize how many Democrats I gotta butcher to get a pound of brains?!?!”

  7. At my local zoo’s hot dog stand, the sparrows will land right on your table and guilt trip you into giving them a piece of the bun. There’s also Mendon Ponds Park, where if you put some seeds in your hand and stand very still the chickadees will sit on your hand and eat.

  8. @ Jethro AT 8:21 PM

    It’s actually Sylvatic Plague. Bad stuff. My buddy and I used to shoot rockchucks in a coulee in which some hippy slickers from the coast moved over and set up shop. They were wearing flour sack dresses, where the hell they found flour sacks to make them from in the 1980’s is anyone’s guess, and were as grubby as they come.

    Anyway they had chucks living in the crawl space under their shack. We had warned them that they were undermining the foundation. Said they were their pets. The following year the shack was gone and all that remained was a black spot where it had been. We asked the locals about it and the County burned the damn thing to the ground after the kids brought the plague to school. I guess it was absolutely lousy with fleas, tics, mites, etc.

  9. Yard rats can be cute.
    The ones in my yard are trained. When they’re on my “squirrel proof” bird feeder, they’ve learned when they hear me unlock and crank the window open a bb is going to be hitting them so they run at the sound.

  10. We’re house sitting in an area we used to live in. There is no longer any wildlife other than a crow once in a while. No flies, bugs, birds, squirrels, raccoons, possums, nothing. Hummingbird feeders not touched in two weeks. Bird feeder not emptying. No bird bath activity. Even the wildlife is fleeing Portland.


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