Applauding the Mentally Ill – IOTW Report

Applauding the Mentally Ill

YAY!!!!!!!! You get my respect! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYNoooooooooooooooooooooo, you don’t. You belong in therapy.

39 Comments on Applauding the Mentally Ill

  1. I have lived here for 61 of my 80 years. It is a very big county ~10,000,000 Americans and another x,xxx,xxx illegals. That girl/boy came to my town “tar and Feather’ likely.

    But my conservative, pro Ronny anti GWB town is only 50,000. If you watched LA riot #2 you saw some of my neighbors armed with “long guns” and willing to use them against liberals. She/He would get out alive; but “the fear of God” would have been beat into her.

  2. As they say “Not my circus, not my monkeys.”

    But this continues to manifest as mental illness as the fully actualized effects of the antisocial behavior and diagnosis of the deranged left-wing politicos in our so called “republic.”

    We are truly harvesting what has been sown in society since the late 1960’s.

    Truth is obsolete. lying and stealing and destroying personal “feedom” is now the norm.

  3. I made it a second or two before I turned the video off. There is no effin way that freak is even human, he/she/it/them/they looks like it has just come straight up from the pits of Hell. And you’re right Col. Angus, in my best Foghorn Leghorn voice, “There is something definitely wrong with you boy or whoever or whatever the hell you are. Go away son, you’re scaring me to death.” “That thing is way light in his/her/they/them loafers, go back to hell or whatever rock you crawled out from under and scare them to death and leave me the hell alone.” “That thing has got more demons in it than Sybil did.”

  4. #ReclaimTheRainbow

    I am setting My rainbow in the cloud and it shall be a sign of the covenant between Me and the earth. It shall be, when I bring a cloud over the earth, the rainbow shall be seen in the cloud; and I will remember my covenant between Me and you and every living creature of all flesh; the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh. My rainbow shall be in the cloud, and I shall certainly remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh on earth. And God said to Noah, “This is the sign of the covenant between Me and all flesh on the earth.” — Genesis 9

  5. They just keep shoving their agenda down our throats and up our collective asses, but as I’ve maintained for many years, I reserve the RIGHT to be disgusted by these imbeciles from the Island of Busted-Ass Toys and I sure as Hell don’t want them anywhere near our children!

  6. Rush Limbaugh invoked the Star Wars bar scene when it came to liberal insanity and he didn’t even live long enough to see how totally correct he was about that and so much more.

  7. Be sure to watch Matt Walsh’s “What is a Woman?” if you haven’t already.

    The link was made available on twitter for people to share/view for free, in honor of “pride month.” Over 110 million views in 2 days.

  8. Self marginalize and then complain about being marginalized and I’m supposed to give a shit. Really?

    I often tell the story about a guy in college. Tattoos on his face and his “friends” were “supporting” his mental illness. Shaved one side of his head and had it tattooed and once again there they were. I remember him bitching about having job interviews lined up and he already knew they were not going to hire him because of how he looks. So what he was doing is programming in failure. Mental illness once again. By the time he went all Vincent Van Gogh and showed up minus an ear pretty much nobody really noticed or gave a shit, including his “friends.” I had been saying from day one that if they actually cared about him and not virtue signaling about how he is a gay role model the would be encouraging him to get professional help. Poor bastard killed himself a month later.

  9. My son wanted a tattoo at 13, I said, “That’s fine, just remember you have to burn them off or sand them off”.
    At 16 he thought he was ready, and claimed I said he couldn’t have one.
    I said, “I never said any such thing, I just wanted you to understand they’re permanent, and make sure you can cover them with a T-shirt”.

  10. “Marginalized” how? Using margarine instead of KY Jelly?

    But, yeah, they’re on a margin outside normal human behavior. They should stay right there. These “sisters” all look like a bunch of fat silly ass fag boys.

  11. @JB_Honeydew

    Assuming only 4 can make the list, mine are Justified, SOA, Twilight Zone, and It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

    Shamefully, I never got into Breaking Bad, The Wire, The Shield, or The Sopranos but admit they might make others Mount Rushmore.

  12. Nice, dude. Yeah Rushmore lists are tough. Funny you mentioned Cheers. Currently going back through that show….Diane is gone and Rebecca has come in. Always fun.

  13. How is this INSANITY not Just Being Allowed, it’s being SHOVED down our children’s throats and the full weight of the government appears to be behind promoting it?? I’m used to hearing about Muh Dumokrusee from lefties. How is it that something around two percent of the population has All of Society dancing to THEIR INSANE TUNE? I’m sickuvItAll.


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