Just The News
Hawaii Gov. Josh Green signed a bill Friday banning concealed firearms in what are deemed “sensitive places.”
Senate Bill 1230 bans concealed firearms in government buildings, hospitals, restaurants and bars that serve alcohol, stadiums, movie theaters, concert halls, schools and colleges.
“This is a public health crisis in our country,” Green said. “On average, there are 11.9 gun deaths per 100,000 in the nation.”
Hawaii is the second safest state in the country, according to Green.
“Hawaii averages 3.8 gun deaths per 100,000,” Green said. “One average someone in Hawaii is killed with a gun every week, about 55 people per year. One death or injury is simply too much for us to ever experience.” more
It’s already illegal to carry in federal buildings and courthouses. Private venues like theaters and stadiums have the right to set their own policies.
Good thing he banned guns in specified places because banning has worked so well with illegal drugs. Are cars next?
“One death or injury is simply too much for us to ever experience.”
…but killing millions with a fake vaxxx death jab and poisoning children who are not at risk for a variant that no longer exists is totes OK.
Right, Governor?
Pretty sure a guy who plans to murder a bunch of people isn’t going to be deterred by making one more law for him to break.
The only thing laws like this do is disarm law-abiding people so they can’t stop him.
Sensitive places? Does this mean nasty women won’t be carrying concealed up their see you in tease?
The only death that treasonous Democrat filth is actually worried about is his own.
Pro tip: If you don’t want to worry about getting shot for treason, don’t commit treason.
Protected killing fields, schools and colleges.
There has never been a mass shooting at a gun range.
anywhere where the elites gather and pols are.
They should print this status update on the free needles and crack pipes. Have the point of sale credit card machines flash this up when it reads an EBT card. Print it on democrat ballots. You know, target the ones shooting up these places.
Kathy Hochul tried the same same thing, except she made pretty much anyplace outside your home a sensitive place.
I didn’t read it, but assume it exempts their armed security details. That is all anyone needs to know.
Enter the Supreme Court in about 18 months to interpret the words “Shall not be Infringed”.
If your pistol is properly concealed, no one will know the difference with Exceptions being Court Houses or others who use full body scanners and/or x-ray machines and other means of detection.
Before The Socialist Republic of Illinois allowed concealed carry, I carried concealed for over 25 years with no problems. No one knew.
As the saying goes, “I would rather be judged by 12 than carried by six”. Each person has to make their own decision what is best for them.
gotsyo sensitive places swinging, nword
And what are the people going to do?
d-suckers living the taxpayer-funded gold, platinum, & silver lifestyle are fearful of an early lead retirement
fku asshole
Didn’t read the article but I was just on PornHub so…………………
rat-mofos want to make it safe for their obiden constituents & relatives to shoot up the law-abiding
Texas law defines places guns cannot be carried, and it also says that governmental agencies (cities, counties, etc.) cannot randomly call something a “sensitive area” for the intent of banning guns.